Godzilla: King of the Threadsters

Meh. We’ve got dogs.

You should at the least, see the first Kong and Godzilla movies in the Monsterverse, it’ll help you know some of the characters that show up, and in the modern sections, G-Day is pivotal to world building and character motivations.

-doodley doodley do-

On second thought, there’s Apex and Walter Simmons, so yeah, might be best to catch KotM and GvsK as well, just to be sure.

That wasn’t very helpful, was it? Yes, but no, but yes… lol


Watching Godzilla, King of the Monsters on Comet and I think I might enjoy a version replacing Raymond Burr with the actual Steve Martin.

steve martin asshat GIF

I finally started Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, and I like it a lot.

Kurt Russell’s still got it, ya’ll.

So, my local theater never got Godzilla Minus One last year ( :cry: ), but for some reason they did get the black and white re-release. So I went to see that today, because it’s “cheap day” at the theater. I really liked it. Plus the black and white aesthetic fits it perfectly. Glad I finally got to go. Now I have to wait til it comes out on Bluray to see the color version.

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I saw Godzilla Minus One / Minus Color last night and in my opinion it is the best Godzilla film ever. And yes, that includes the one with Jet Jaguar.

Thrift store score, fiddy cents each.

I already have copies of King Kong vs. Godzilla and Gojira (the real prize here), but there’s no way I was leaving them in a thrift shop in Oriskany Falls.


Oooooh, sweet. I have that Gojira edition (and a couple others from that series) . That’s a nice release.

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Minus One ended its theatrical run as the 3rd highest grossing foreign film in the States. There was a thank you tweet posted.


Two of my favorite things…



Finally watched Shin Godzilla. The talking head stuff was a slog, its point was made 20 minutes in, got it. The monster was cool AF though.


Underrated in my opinion.
(then again, i’m easy to please when it comes to godzilla movies.)

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I got a notification yesterday that Godzilla vs. Biollante bluray was available to buy for $250! Sure, buddy. Glad I found it through alternate means.

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The Criterion Showa Era collection is back in stock, BUT be aware that Criterion sent out gift codes to Criterion Channel subscribers today, signaling that their 50% off flash sale will be Tuesday 2/27.
Now if only Shin Godzilla would go back in stock too.


Nice article… Why Godzilla Minus One could, and should, win an Oscar (msn.com)


These remind me once again that I really hope that Janus can get the rights to all the Heisei Godzilla movies and release a Criterion set of those. I really hate the scalpers and scammers (I’ve seen complaints that people ordering BluRays of Biollante have gotten a burned DVD with a photocopied cover on Amazon) selling the out of print movies. Clearly there’s demand and everyone loves the Showa set! Toho has to like Janus’s stewardship of Godzilla in the US.

In Japan, there’s a 4k release of Godzilla vs Biollante but it doesn’t have subtitles. But we know there’s a good current scan.


Criterion flash 50% off sale until noon today (2/28) if anyone wants to pick up the Showa set in the next few hours:


I got it. Shin Godzilla is also reappearing in stock, so I have that on the way too. :tada:


Yeah Baby, just watched it happen. Godzilla won the Oscar for visual effects!!

From the reactions during the reading of the nominees, it received the most applause and cheers, so I felt it was going to happen.

Congrats to the king. :confetti_ball:

The monster wins one at last as ‘Godzilla Minus One’ wins the Oscar for visual effects (yahoo.com)


Love it! The only award I cared about this year. NAILED IT