Godzilla: King of the Threadsters

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Since this got a like today I realize I need to update based on newer developments.

Shin Godzilla is the second best Godzilla movie.

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Gotta say, I’m not looking forwards to the new Godzilla Kong movie, I got burned pretty bad by the last one. The lack of emphasis on the final 2 v1 fight, in favor of a bunch of “funny” conspiracy theorists really soured my taste. Didn’t help the first hour was basically already out thanks to all the trailers

Some people like Giant Monster Avengers I guess.

I’m not overly excited… I’m not a fan of the director and was not all that thrilled with his last picture.

But, I do hope we get some goodies for the kings 70th anniversary. Minus One on BD for sure, but what else. What will they have planned for Godzilla Day (will we get more shorts this year, something to celebrate Mechagodzilla’s 50th birthday?)

IDW is planning a comic, so there’s that.

Hopefully there will be more cool stuff coming in 2024.

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Some MSTie posted this at one of the MST3K facebook groups, it made me smile



Gopher did need a sidekick!

Remember when they started really skimping on the budget and Godzilla fought this dude?


:thinking: I wonder who that might have been…


I’m only up to the early 90s in my watch through, but decided to jump ahead and watched Shin Godzilla and Minus One today. This was a good choice.
Also, I get real excited when the old Godzilla themes play.



I hope Akira Ifukube’s estate is getting some nice royalties with all the use his original themes have gotten, 70 years on.


Oh, the Too Much Coffee Man creator did this.

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The Prosecutor: “You would have us believe that your client is a family man. Yes, he has a son — but WHERE IS MRS. GODZILLA!”


Looks like Godzilla x Kong will be available for a digital purchase on May 14th, a BD, with all the extras, will be out about a month after that. Also, a 5-disc Monsterverse set will be made available.

I’ve never been a big Kong fanatic, didn’t really care for his solo movie, and have the Godzilla’s on BD already, but it looks like a nice collection, if you’re into them all.

The MonsterVerse Gets a 5-Film 4K UHD Collector’s Edition (collider.com)


I don’t even know if I’ll see the new one, I’ve enjoyed each one of those less than the last.

Any ideas when Godzilla Minus One gets released on Blu ray? I didn’t get a chance to see that in theaters.

The recent Monsterverse stuff just doesn’t do it for me, in fact, my wife and I flat out hated Godzilla vs. Kong. Not that kaiju flicks tend to have great human characters, but GvK had some of the most irritating human characters I’ve seen in a long time. That whole arc with the stranger things girl and the conspiracy theorist was nails on a chalkboard for both of us.

The one before the most recent one was so unbelievably stupid (King Kong goes to the center of the Earth, where his ancestors came from, and they left behind a King Kong-sized axe that shoots an energy beam) that I didn’t even watch this one.

The big hero sunset ending of the first one (which I otherwise liked well enough) tipped me off to what was coming, and I hoped I was wrong, but nope. Giant monster Avengers. Yawnzo.

The new r/c Godzilla toy looks fun, though, even if it’s the “new look.” I might spring for it if I have a drink or two first.