I have been to the promised land!

Ever been to the Dells? Let’s ride the ducks!


That’s Wisonsin! Although very popular with Minnesotans as well.

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I used to live in Madison, yet tragically, never went to the Dells


Anybody here see Drop Dead Gorgeous? I love that movie - a little slice of small town Minnesota life that was so similar to the small town Wisconsin life I was living at the time. Dark, funny, and I always slip into a deep Minne-so-tah accent afterwards.

I’ve been to the Dells! When I was a kid my family would drive across Wisconsin on our way to family reunions in Minnesota. I remember it being lots of fun.

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I live about an hour north of the Dells, so I have been there more times than I can count. Loved it as a kid, loathe it as an adult. Fun fact: many rear-end crashes along the main water park drag are caused by people distracted by the “giant wooden horse.”


“The giant horse waits for vengeance even now. Every accident is a tribute to stay his awesome wrath from being unleashed.”


purple rain that aint lake minnetonka GIF