I think to myself "it's just a show" but I SIMPLY can't relax!

Maybe he accidentally did a good job and that displeased his bosses.


If the season 11 Gypsy is a whole new bot, then I can stop worrying about who’s running ConGypsCo.


It’s a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey, where a hominid millions of years ago throws a bone into the air and the scene cuts to a spacecraft in the future year of 2001 (for the movie, made in 1968), making it look like a bone turned into a spacecraft.


Oh thanks!


I know when Joel came to visit Mike and the Bots onboard the SOL, he wondered for a moment why Crow sounded different but then realized he’d “replaced his bowling pin.”


Nah! Kinga was a clone of Kim Cattrel that almost worked, but wound up cute enough
What I want to see is the Final Conflict of the Forrester Warrior Women, where they all KO each other and Dr. Donna St. Phibes takes over. She and Mega wind up annoying Emily, but Donna reins the other one in.


Joel Robinson should be unaware of the song lyrics, and from his perspective may have been unaware that he was intentionally shot into space because the Mads did not like him.


Well, you see, when a Mad loves a woman…


In whatever episode where Crow gets melted down into an ingot for the purpose of taking control of the wealth, Joel says that Crow is basically made of Kevlar, I think.


There is a skit from the KTMA season where Dr Forrester expounds a theory that Joel is in fact dead (there was a guy named Joel). It’s kind of a riff on the “Paul is Dead” Abbey Road cover conspiracy theory. Then again, Dr Forrester was mad, so I don’t know that he’s a reliable source.


Does SoL get a weekly delivery of junk and oddments for sketches and inventions?


My favorite (if not unique) brand of overthinking is picturing other test subjects before Joel Robinson. I refuse to believe that the Mads hadn’t tried before. J.R. had an “out” which all the others lacked: the ability to create friends/companions. His predecessors lacked that ability, which is why they lost their minds after X-number of crappy films. Poor devils. I would’ve been in the same bo-- er, ship. Because I can’t build robots.

You could argue that by choosing him to exile, The Mads inadvertently created a control and botched their own project. [shrug] What can I say? I’ve had a lot of bad, careless bosses who weren’t that bright. It works.


I feel like it’s a literal junk ship, so the subjects are just working with the random crud they’re surrounded by… for food/drinks, idk- do they recycle the fluids? Do they synthesize gelatinous protein cubes for consumption???


There’s probably some kind of clause in the Mad Scientist’s Accreditation handbook which requires you to feed your human subjects actual food (unless depriving them of it is a documented part of your experiment). It might arrive in the form of food sticks, pellets, or blocks but then you can run it through some Whatsit like the thing on Trek and get out a goat cheese pizza or whatever.


I imagine it’s the sidekick’s job, so often times it’s just a bunch of the same thing: 87 cubes of Salisbury steak. Two pallets of pills that re-hydrate into dill pickles pears and a big bag of food sticks that taste ALMOST like human food and not like burnt plastic…


Joel secretly built a 5th robot called La-La Machine which can reformat that fodder into more palatable food. Cambot never points to it, and so helps to preserve the secret. Either that, or J.R. bribes Frank with those Home Shopping Network doodads to send them up something decent every week in time for the movie.


“It’s a belt holster- but for hard boiled eggs! So I’ll send this down the umbilicus, and you’ll send me up some pizza?!?!”


See, this stuff is like manna for me. I can’t handle darkfic. I’ve tried to make an exception vis-a-vis the Mirrorverse homage, but even then I can’t go through with working out the details.


I learned something new. And for the most part, I would avoid the dark stuff, except if it could serve the story- like the Clayton and Frank (also Kim Cattrall, or did I make that up being real??) being dead.

Life is already too gnarly, let’s keep it light and fun where we can, plz!


I like this theory very much. And since none of the previous test subjects were capable of creating robots, there was no Cambot to document the experiments.