Introduce yourselves here!

By the way Mike, most Fridays we do a watchalong – some are an organized series that the Mods put together, the rest are basically just whoever suggests something first. Mostly we stick to episodes that are available in the Gizmoplex (though we did do The Movie a few weeks ago).

The way it works is that at 8pm Eastern time, you press Play on the the selected episode (either in the Gizmoplex or the commercial-free platform of your choice), and there will be a dedicated topic set up for that watchalong. So we can all chat and riff along as we watch the ep together. The next one is this Friday and it’s Future War!

So drop in if you can! If you come in late just fast forward to however far past 8 eastern it is, e.g. if you come in at 8:40, just skip ahead to 40 minutes into the episode.