It's the NBC Mystery Movie!

Ellery Queen (starring Jim Hutton) premiered as an NBC Mystery Movie before moving to series on NBC.

When that show failed after one season, the creators retooled it into Murder She Wrote which aired on CBS.

So even though MSW was not an NBC Mystery Movie, it kinda was.

Aside: I happened to mention to a friend that I’d been binging Leverage and mentioned the episode where Timothy Hutton dressed as Ellery Queen for a mystery party, and my friend started humming the theme from EQ! So, of course, we had to watch an episode.


Didn’t Gypsy do her impression of NBC Sunday Night Mystery Movie? once? To which she just comes in and out like a ghost or banshee?

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Mary Jo has reacted to an episode of a lesser known Mystery Movie on her Dumb Industries show.

The episode featured, you guessed it, Roddy McDowall.