KTMA 21. The Legend of the Dinosaurs (1977)

I know I have watched this one but I actually have ZERO memory of it… I think I shall have to watch it again…

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As a distraction from the horror and inherent masochism of a looming Black Friday? Sure, why not?

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Hoo boy. Tuned this one in again for the first time in years. Heavier on the riffing than some other “Season Zeroes.” Too bad that for every decent joke, there’s another which is really embarrassing. Maybe they should do this one again just as an apology to Japan. :upside_down_face:

The movie setting is more realistic and the tone more somber than the stuff Frank usually brings us. So the film might be all right if it were intact, and subtitled instead of dubbed. Even if it does move very slowly.

The soundtrack is teeming with vintage secondhand Mangione and doesn’t fit the action most of the time, as noted by our hosts. Makes me wonder if Frank inflicted it on the film himself.


I actually like this one and I really wish they’d reriff it if only because there are so many missed opportunities with the music alone. Joel does comment on it once or twice, but it’s just that it’s wrong for the scene.


“Jonah, The Trumpet Of The Swan is a lot gorier than I remember.”


It would also be nice to have a better print to work with.


Yes, definitely. There are some scenes where I really can’t tell what’s going on because the print is so dark. …and I’m watching it on YouTube. :slight_smile:


According to IMDB trivia:
“The movie became something of a cult film in Soviet Russia where it was the only Japanese monster movie to see a release before the 1990s. Interestingly, it wasn’t the prehistoric creatures that caught the attention of audiences, but the depiction of a foreign capitalist country with its modern advancements.”


Now that I’ve watched this one, I gotta say… I don’t think it was one of the better KTMA’s. Sometimes it had some funny moments. But it was an old VHS transfer of a bad print of a really weird movie. In a couple scenes I just couldn’t tell what was going on. It might be prime material for a reboot a la Million Eyes of Su-Muru, but as it is, the KTMA episode is pretty Eh. I felt there were others that were much better.

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The quality seesaws as it amuses then misses big. Ripe to be re-riffed, it’s too rough to be enjoyed as it is.

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Yeah, even in its chopped form, that scene in the raft was pretty darn brutal and UN-MST.


Thanks for the link to the episode. This is only the third KTMA episode I have seen, after episodes 1 & 2 from the Kickstarter. The increased riffing pace from those first episodes to this one is quite noticeable, and Josh is really on a roll with Servo. While you can tell that they are still doing a lot of improv, it seems that they have at least watched the movie beforehand with this one. I’m not sure if that was the case with the first two episodes.

There is one place in the film where Joel flubs a riff and makes it more inappropriate than intended, and has to apologize. Josh’s response that Joel was finally losing it after 20 weeks was great. There are a lot of riffs that would not get the nod these days due to being inappropriate in this episode. Add to it that the movie itself is a bit more violent and gory than is typical, and I can understand why they might not want to release this one. Given that there is a newer, better print out there, however, I would like to see this given the Sumuru treatment and riffed again with some of the more objectionable bits edited out. They even make a callback to Sumuru in this one with “The Two Eyes of Sumuru”.

All in all, it was a great experience to see this episode, the final KTMA episode before the jump to the Comedy Channel. It shows that the change was not quite as great as you see if you have only experienced the first two KTMA episodes.


Just finished watching this one, definitely a good finale to the first season. Just wish I understood that “ooh, yeess” bit they did after the Floyd the Barber joke. Same with the “my gg” impression from K20 - I didn’t really understand either of those, but at least the voices were funny lol