Movies that Need to be Riffed by the MST3K Gang

Well, since you went in this direction I’ll add that I’d kill to see them go after more episodes of General Hospital, too.


I’ll second this! Those General Hospital shorts were some of the funniest bits in the entire series.


Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman (1989)

Along with the usual gang from the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman TV shows was a young Sandra Bullock. This was going to be the springboard for a spinoff series featuring her as the Bionic Girl. This, fortunately, did not happen.

I vaguely remember seeing it on TV when it first aired. Ever since I saw it again on the Sci-Fi channel in the late 90s I’ve been hoping that it would get an MST3K treatment because I’m a huge Sandra Bullock fan. I got my chance to make it a reality by turning it into a Rifftrax by entering it in the Rifftrax Remix Contest back in 2011. Contestants used riffs from “just-the-riffs” audio files (that are meant be synched with big-budget movies) and then mixed them with any video. I worked long and hard on my entry, “Bionic Showdown In Canada,” and I won first prize! I was so happy. It was a labor of love.

I edited the original movie down to the 45 minutes that exclusively focused on Sandra Bullock’s subplot. I added a ton of fake film grain and damage to make it look like a terrible telecine transfer. Because it was so long I had to upload it into four or five videos on YouTube. Several years later several of them were taken down because of copyright but I never bothered to contest them. I’ve been meaning to upload the entire thing as one YouTube video but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

For now, here is a 15-minute condensed version that I uploaded as a privately shared video:


Honestly, and despite it being shown on Comedy Central as part of some special thing Comedy Central did back in the day along with the MST eps “Amazing Colossal Man” and “War of the Colossal Beast”…I’m surprised that “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman” was never done on the show.

Nowadays you could do either the original 50s version or the 1993 version with Daryl Hannah.

If you want more recent, there was “Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader”

…and if they could get around the nudity in it, the even cheesier “Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold”.

And to get away from giant woman movies, 1981’s Excalibur with Liam Neeson and Patrick Stewart.


Ankle Biters, a movie about midget vampires which could have been awesome except that the “filmmakers” didn’t play up the camp aspect and did it as a “serious” movie.


Anything to with their show. I hate to betray my demographic but I don’t like it. Never did.

[ETA- I relent slightly to say that I enjoyed Jennifer Anniston in Office Space , even if she didn’t have that much to do.]


Father Binding Polymer Mulcahy has entered the chat!! <3


Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. Though I guess that’s more of one Rifftrax would do than MST3K.


Forbidden Planet might actually be too good for MST3K… although any opportunity to watch it again is a welcome one, and I imagine the writers could go to town on the Shakespeare connections.

I’m guessing heavy-duty Z-movie classics like Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Room, and Troll 2 have been avoided thus far because they’re obvious choices, but I’d be down for any of them to appear on MST3K. As for more obscure picks, there’s always The Skateboard Kid, featuring the voice of Dom DeLuise as a sentient, flying robotic skateboard:


Whiskers (1997)

We’ve survived Merlin’s Shop and Mac And Me and A Talking Cat?!
We could get through this together, too.

:toilet: :cat2: I think… :thinking:


Wow, that movie is giving off a real strong Mac & Me vibe…


What if Robin Hood but heavily borrowed from Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy?


jake the dog nope


I envision a running joke where he never pronounces the title exactly right.




“C’mon, Grandpa! We’re all adults here!”


[sigh] “I’m just gonna’ leave work early today, Joel.”


A local group of comics once screened an evening’s retrospective of Shatner movies for bad-movie/riffing fans, and I’m pretty sure most of them are tailor-made for the show. The Horror At 37,000 Feet is a real standout. He’s an alcoholic priest in that one. Poor Paul Winfield is in this totally 1970s dog, too. You can view it now on Le Tube, if you have hip-waders handy.


Two of my favorite Shatners are The People (1972) and Impulse (1974). In Impulse he plays a serial killer. It’s pretty seedy but not quite as rough as a lot of movies from that era. It also features some of the most eye-bleeding fashions and interiors the 70s had to offer.



Blind Date (1984) starring Kirstie Alley:

A blind man is fitted with the advanced technology of a Sony Walkman and plugs his brain into an Atari 2600 in order to see and solve the mystery of a murdering psycho surgeon.


Quick thought (and apologies if it was mentioned earlier and I just missed it in this thread): has there been any consideration to them doing the movies that Film Ventures used in the credits for Pod People and Cave Dwellers (Galaxy invader and Taur, The Mighty respectively)?


Don’t suppose we’d be lucky enough to get :it: The Stranger And The Gunfighter :it: , starring Lo Lieh and our own Lee Van Cleef. I bet at least a quarter of the riffs would just be callbacks to It Conquered The World and Master Ninja , and I totally support that. :grin:

:spaghetti: :cowboy_hat_face:


File this under “never going to happen” (Larry), but I’d love to see MST3k riff Highlander (I know Rifftrax have done it, but they can’t decapitate any of their cast during the host segments!)