Patton Oswalt suppporting bigotry?!!

(From Oswalt’s apology)

Sometimes I wonder — did I and others cutting them off make them dig their heels in deeper, fuel their ignorance with a nitro-boost of resentment and spite?

Interesting he says this but doesn’t seem to plan on actually discussing the issue with Chappelle. I mean, in theory sure a person should be understanding of both their own flaws and those of their friends. But if you never discuss those problems with each other, they still exist. :confused:

I guess it could be worse, though.


It certainly could.

I personally am a big fan of severing relationships with people that hold awful beliefs as soon as it becomes clear that they’ve no interest in changing, and it becomes a labor to talk to them.


Yep. Also, they often keep trying to change you, which is really wearing as the years drag on. :confused:


It shouldn’t be political. It is NOT inherently a political issue. Just like being left-handed isn’t a political issue, unlesss you make it one.


Great. Now all I can think about is the old Keith Knight cartoon lamenting the hardships of being left-handed, with the punchline, “Righty Better Watch His Back.” :wink:


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but don’t let it distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.


Thank you.

Hello friends. Good talk but I am closing this thread.

I’d also like to offer a gentle suggestion: if you don’t enjoy or understand a particular topic, you are free to just not participate. I feel like politics is a situation in which even people who don’t LIKE discussing these issues find themselves compelled to engage, but you are absolutely allowed to just move on to something that actually makes you excited and interested instead. We will continue to do our best to moderate these issues as they inevitably arise, but we rely on all of you to moderate yourselves on an individual basis as well.

Thanks, y’all!