Sayings you picked up from MST3k

“Gutterball!” - I Was a Teenage Werewolf

“Hold me, clone daddy.” - parts: the clonus horror

And it’s not a quote exactly, but sometimes I’ll do the clown-car jingle from the whiplash chase scene of Space Mutiny and just start cracking up. (That movie is the gift that keeps giving, with the dance club scene, “it was nice of you to give that dead woman a second chance”, “death by snickersnag”, “Spider Sk-nk”…)


There’s a few that have become fairly common shorthand terms among my friends and extended family over the years:

Load (adj, noun) used to refer to anyone or anything sitting around being lazy or not carrying their own weight. Especially used in reference to our lazy fat-ass cats, and small children who get tired and have to be picked up and carried.

Mannix (verb) referring to the act of jumping, sliding, or otherwise going over the top of something. (ex: “Have you seen the pruning shears?” “They’re in the shed, but you’ll need to Mannix over a pile of firewood to get to them.”) Also shouted as an exclamation during video games or TV shows whenever something switches to a low camera angle to show a person or vehicle jumping or flying through the air, occasionally preceded by a description of the object getting some air. (ex: “Horse Mannix!” “Corpse Mannix!” “Train Mannix!”)

Buffalo Shot (noun.) Used whenever you can see far too much male anatomy. (As a side note, my wife is quite pleased that she managed to work this phrase into the local theater community lexicon, especially among her fellow stitchers, to be used whenever somebody’s tights rip or there’s another similar male wardrobe malfunctions)

Coke (noun) used in an annoying way to refer to all other carbonated beverages, typically when being asked what you want to drink (with Coke not being one of the options).

We’ll be reaching speeds of up to 3: Used when stuck behind another slow moving vehicles or person.

Time for Go To Bed! Pretty self explanatory

Football Practice! Comedic response when somebody asks if you’re asleep or nudges you because you were dozing off.

Oh, and “Line?” When somebody trails off mid sentence, stops for a very long pause, or gets a dumb vacant look on their face. Or "You iz a War-Wilf?, Absholutly Fashinating or Yew and your dawturr are duumed! used interchangeably when an attractive female who was obviously not hired for their acting talents attempts to do so while mangling their lines.



My kid said “Pretty nice!” à la Mac and Me yesterday. Occasionally, he also says “Sweet freedom” à la Carnival Magic. Makes me proud.


“No, wait, well that works too.”

“Hokay, Dr. goofy”

“end, EEEND!!”


I worked for Regal a long time ago, and we had these radios we carried, and the boss is trying to tell us something, but it’s real tinny and we can’t make out a word he’s saying. I remember pulling out Mike’s “baby monitor” line (or a variation of it) from Future War.

Everyone laughed and I felt brilliant (should I admit I stole the quip from MST, or bask in the glow?)


Bask. Bask like the wind! If you’re like me - and I know I am - moments of brilliance are all too rare.


“She’s presenting like a mandrill!”


Hanging With Doctor Z has these fake commercials, and one of them is for Tor Johnson’s Liver And Onion Restaurant. The fact that their slogan is TIME FOR GO TO EAT feels like a joke aimed directly at me.


When oh when is Professor Bobo going to be a guest on that show?


That would be great, although it would mean Kevin Murphy would have to wear the Prof Bobo makeup again, and that can’t be quick to apply or take off.


I only say “You’re welcome” like Merlin.

I’m constantly on the lookout for a reason to say “Can’t we just get BEYOND THUNDERDOME?” and have managed to work it into actual conversation several times.

Whenever I describe what’s in something I cooked, I always say, “Oh, a little of this, a little of that. Corn. Chicken. Green peppers. Chili. (sigh) Onions.” I’m not insane, so usually I’ll list the actual ingredients, but “Oh, a little of this, a little of that,” and “(sigh) Onions” are always part of it.

Whenever I’m around a carousel, I’ll say, “Would you like to go faster? Raise your hands if you’d like to go faster.”

I don’t know if this counts, but many years ago, a friend of mine told me that, as a kid, she would watch the un-MSTed Horror at Party Beach every Saturday with her dad, and as an adult, she would say for no reason, “Aw gee, a flat ti-yah” like the girls who got a flat tire in the movie, and I picked that up. I can never remember exactly how the girl in the movie says it, though. “How do ya like that? A flat ti-yah.” Or maybe it’s “Well, whaddya know? A flat ti-yah.” Oh well.

I’m looking forward to remembering others at random times and coming back here to add more replies.


We’re all going to die alone and afraid.

[Celebrity A] as [Celebrity B] in “The [Celebrity C] Story”

Mitchell! (in both anger and in celebration)

Annnnd….gunshot sound (this is actually from The Mads)


After Santa Claus Conquers the Martians dropped it became a thing to do the “headbutt” greeting with my sons. Not all the time, just occasionally. When they started leaving home I thought it would die until my only daughter surprised me one day with a touch of the forehead and “headbutt”, and I was like, “Allright”.


“You know you want me, baby!!” - Crow T. Robot



From quest of the delta knights. This is probably the most used quote for me now that I’m really thinking about it.


Uh, Mrs. Kringle and I have an understanding……


Also: Sampo!


I can’t say I find occasion to work MST quotes into my daily life very often but one of my proudest moments was when I worked the line: “If you’re like me, and I know I am.” into a speech I gave in communications class in college.


“Hit it again! Again!” “Harder! Harder!” from the Brain That Wouldn’t Die.


Basically all of The Beginning of the End. It’s my gold standard. I answer phone calls from my family with “Yello?” because of that one.

I definitely use “it stinks!” with the hand motion, too.


I’ve found “Adjkah!” from The Incredible Melting Man comes in handy in place of an expletive.