Season 13 premier date

Purely speculation, but it sounds like only one episode will be “airing” at a given time, but if you have a download package then you can obtain it and view it whenever you wish. If there is some kind of cheaper “viewer” tier, then that one can only view what is current on-air.

Again, this is merely guesswork with no grounding in fact. I don’t even know if such a viewer tier will exist in the Gizmoplex.

That’s not how I understand it. From what I’ve gathered, there will always be a selection of free episodes to watch in the Gizmoplex to pass holders, both classic and new. But those episodes are not indefinitely available unless you’ve purchased those episodes to be in your library. So 1301 and 1302 will premiere in March and will be available for a time, but will expire at some point to make room for other content. They can and most likely will come back in the rotation in the future, but one can’t buy one month of the Gizmoplex pass and binge the entire season as that wouldn’t really help build the Gizmoplex into making MST independently viable for future seasons outside of Kickstarters.

The Gizmoplex isn’t the same kind of thing as Netflix or Hulu where you just get all you can eat access to the entire catalog. Like you will have the ability to purchase or rent individual episodes for sure, but if you just have a pass, you get access to some rotating classic content, the live events (and replays) for a time, and episode premieres. It’s always kind of moving forward and you can only see everything if you stay with it.

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Sounds like a Movie Longtorso scheme.

It seems to me a good system would be…

  1. Buy a Gizmoplex pass to gain access to the site for a time period… most backers have year-long passes, I think… which lets you view the most recent episode(s) for free, for a time, and access to other content both free and paid.

  2. Backers who are entitled to season 13 digital format get all the season episodes in their library in perpetuity, along with all the other episodes they’ve either purchased or gotten as backer rewards. All of these episodes remain accessible even if your Gizmoplex pass lapses.

  3. All episodes that Shout has the rights to can be offered digitally to members either for rent (e.g., $1.99 for 24-hour access) or purchase (for a significantly higher amount).

So the Gizmoplex pass would be like paying the cover, and the episodes (and other content) would be like buying your drinks.


To me, it sounds like a way to give people incentive to keep a subscription alive instead of parachuting in and binging the whole lot and then cancelling. At the heart of this whole endeavor, that of the Gizmoplex, is building a self-sustaining community of MSTies whose favorite show can never again be cancelled because someone at a network doesn’t get it.


All I know for sure is that I’m excited for the premiere and the Gizmoplex itself. I wonder when the RiffTrax event will be on there.


we all know the gizmoplex is just a cash grab

Not to veer too off topic?

My concern would be that it could appear as mucky/opaque (re: what is included, and at what price) as NBC’s ‘Cock service?

Just recently, parents saw a show they wanted to watch on the ’Cock. After two episodes, “upgrade to see more”. They didn’t upgrade because they felt screwed with and frustrated that the UI/UX didn’t make it clear to them that all the episodes weren’t included in the level that they had?

For the Gizmoplex to attract long term repeat customers, this sort of thing needs to be obnoxiously crystal clear and transparent? A well lubricated path to a happy MST3K streaming experience. People who get frustrated with figuring out what they can and can’t watch rarely become long term customers in the streaming space?

And, yes, if I’m lucky enough to be allowed to beta test the Gizmoplex, I hope that there will be a way to view the app/service with my full library and also see what a brand new user with only a Gizmoplex pass may experience? What does that look like? Seeing the difference between the two and making sure that the difference is clear and also not frustrating to new fans will be a critical element in rolling out the apps/service initially and also growing the service and keeping things going long term?

(And, also perhaps being able to suggest some things that should at least be considered for inclusion in the Gizmoplex pass, that otherwise may not be, that could help add perceived value to the Gizmoplex pass for new users to help keep them on long term)

Just my $0.02?

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My impression was the live stuff, the chat, any videos whatever they plan for the premieres would only be available for a certain amount of time. The episodes, themselves would always be there.


Yes, what she said.

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That’s my understanding as well.

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Nearly 8 weeks left!


Yeah like reruns, that’s kinda the thought I’m getting… while there’s no new episodes they’ll rerun the ones from the previous season, that’s my guess.