Show us your most recent mundane, stupid, non-MST3K accomplishment

All right. I’ll allow it. That’s sort of an accomplishment.

Minor tangent, my local grocer/pharmacy has been spamming with texts about “You’re ready for COVID booster!”

Those dumb sh*ts don’t realize I had the booster five weeks ago at your own pharmacy? But I do use the pharmacy for other stuff (Sudafed! Prescription-strength Ibuprofen! woo-hoo!) so I don’t really want to cancel all their texts.

Me? Ahead of schedule shaved off that stupid beard sh*t off my face and am meeting my first cousin once-removed (he’s about my parents’ age, lives up north, haven’t seen him in a dog’s age) for a quick beer while he’s got a layover changing trains.

Good thing “my” bar is right next to the cab station, so he can über over and no worries about quick shuttle back to the train station, which is not too far.

Meh, I could drive him over, but my passenger seat is a mess.

We’ll see. He’s one of those guys who’ll probably be on first-name with everybody at the bar within fifteen minutes, and it will be good to see him again. Also, he’s not loud, but rather soft-spoken yet earnest and intense, so I’ll kill him last.


I had a couple of good ones from work today.

(i) I actually, in a hungover, sleep-deprived state gave an extended “sarcastic slow clap” in full view and audition of some of the contracted delivery companies, as well as my immediate bosses.

“Good job, *******. You finally got out of here without too much help. Clap. I really think that’s great. Clap.” And so forth.

(ii) I got to punch a hole with my fist in a rather dense rain-protective covering due to the need to grab this cart which it was covering from the LH, and it actually penetrated and looked rad. Like in a nunchuks way or whatever.

(iii) I got to say “Fuuck no” in one of our daily meetings at work, and nobody said “Shut up.”

I love it. Things are really turning up roses.

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My most recent accomplishment? I’ve been working at the same place for the last ten years on an ongoing temporary basis. A permanent position came up. You’d think I’d be a shoe-in for it, given that I’ve been working there for so long right?

Well, I managed to not get hired for the permanent position which means that, unless something dramatically changes in the next few months, I will no longer be working for them. They’re apparently happy to have me on a temporary basis but permanent? Nope. How’s that for a stupid accomplishment?

Bitter? Oh, a tad.



You should come complain with us on the griping thread :wink:

</shameless self promotion of my own topic>


I thought there was one, but I couldn’t remember…and yes, I wanted to gripe. :slight_smile:

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I guess whether it’s mundane depends on perspective, but I did hit 250 followers on Twitch a couple weeks ago.

I also finally cleaned out my front closet. Now that’s what I call mundane, but idk if it’s an accomplishment so much as it is a relief…


Everything is an accomplishment.

  • Out of bed? Nice work.
  • Still lying in bed? You’re minimizing your carbon footprint.
  • Put on pants? Bravo!
  • Refused to put on pants? Way to be your pantsless best!
  • Ate nachos for breakfast? Groundbreaker!
  • Ate an egg mcmuffin for dinner? YOU made that happen.

Life is all about how you look at it.


I totally misread this as "Refused to put on pants? Way to be you pantsless b*****d! :metal:


Well, well, well.

I braved the local grocery/superstore (not exactly Walmart, but somewhat similar) while fueling up the tank.

What did I find? A tiny little 64 MicroSD (max size this GoPro I won in a raffle at work will accept, but is of the appropriate quality), cheaper than AMZN. It might not even be counterfeit!

And a bottle of Gold Bond Medicated Powder in a spray-on form, also much cheaper than AMZN. Keeps the groin smelling great! For those not-so-fresh days.

And a cheap bottle of Windshield Wiper fluid to replace this verkakte homebrew I made of distilled water, rubbing alcohol, which doesn’t work so good.

So, go me!

I bought some things! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Hey, at least it’s not mindless consumerism.

Maybe you’re right! But I’m going to buy a full synthetic oil change tomorrow (perhaps not mindless!) but then afterwards probably try to bird-dog some chicks at a local bar…definitely mindless!

New accomplishment: finishing up three loads of laundry and very uncharacteristically for me, might even fold the clothing afterwards instead of loosely sorting various types of clothing into nice little mounds of stuff which are placed strategically around my front room.


But what about the seasoning period? You know, the two days it needs to sit in a dryer before you can run it for 20 more minutes to get the wrinkles out? Can you even wear clothes that haven’t been in a dryer for two days?


Believe me, honey, I can wear clothes that haven’t seen the inside of a washing machine for months.

Yes, I do spruce up nicely for when I want to, but for at work? Any given pair of work pants/shorts/shirts are soaked with sweat at the end of every day. Never any odor, given that I air dry them immediately on returning home.

Salt marks on my trademark black button-up shirts, but those rinse out, or else I stop caring.

But, just like showering and shaving, about once in a while it has to be done.

Wrinkles? Naw. The newer “no-iron” dress shirts really don’t wrinkle noticeably, I find, and heavy canvas pants including jeans and canvas shorts don’t matter. Nobody irons those.

Although my little trick of actually folding clothes is just an experiment: every single article of clothing gets hung up on clothes hangers. All shirts, of any kind. A-shirts, since I have dozens of black ribbed “wife beaters,” they go on hangers too but many identical examples share the same clothes hanger. Pants? Meh, they go on coat hooks. Jockey shorts, socks, handkerchiefs? They all go in a little designated box for me to find at 0 dark thirty without too much fuss.

The big accomplishment is that I not only didn’t “lose” any socks to the washer/dryer, but my beloved headbands/sweatbands were all recovered as well!

It is the dawning of a new age!

An age of better living through laundry!

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Oh I’m all hangers all the time. Sweatpants I’ll roll up and stick in a drawer but everything else hangs up. No folding for me! (My husband folds his stuff and god is it tedious.)


See what I mean, George? She’s a roller! Some people fold and then there are the rollers!


Yes Lord?


My partner, “Mr. Take Out and Delivery” is on vacation for the first time in almost two years, so I took the opportunity to clean our condo a bit while he’s away. This is what I cleaned out of two SMALL kitchen drawers:

I’m going to have to remind him to say “No utensils, please” when he orders his food from now on.


Whatever it is, it’s either pissed off or very happy!

Yes indeed, that is a good one. I’m still a bit disappointed I didn’t get to my phone in time when a work buddy during a break showed me these two bald eagles that are often around work were flying pretty close to the ground and in formation. Oh well, can’t win 'em all! Anyway, it’s because of actual photographers like you that I don’t have to bother with taking my own pictures.


(i) Sort of figured out how to work this GoPro knockoff model (not difficult, but you really do have to RTFM, short as it may be). Still scheming up a way to conceal it to record inside this bar full of ridiculous characters I say I used to hang out at, but realistically, will probably continue to do so on a less frequent basis.

(ii) Finally got around to going into the lab at a hospital to get blood drawn for TSH, CBC, Iron absorption, iron binding capacity and a few other things I can’t remember since I surrendered the Rx to the gal at the lab. Tests for allopecia. Probably just stress, causing minor hair thinning, but it would be good to know, since actually anemia runs strong among some ancestors.

It was neat! The phlebo tied me off, found a good vein, and I thought it was awesome to see the needle penetrate to the vein and this rich liquid filling three vials. I’ve donated blood and had blood drawn before, but I never really paid much attention. It was cool!

Might have to pay out of pocket, since the prescribing doctor is out-of-network for my insurance, but that’s OK. How much could a banana cost? Ten dollars?


Teamed up with mr_potroast and got the blender fixed on Sunday. Yippee!!

(He bought it for me as a Chanukkah/Xmas present years ago, but it had been languishing in a corner gathering dust because we’d never looked to see if the broken widget which rests just below the carafe part was replaceable. It is.)

I managed to fix myself a pretty good vegetable smoothie this morning. Crushed ice makes everything better! You can pretend everything you drink is just a temporarily embarrassed daiquiri. :smiley:


Got a voicemail from my GP about my blood work.

Blood count good, rule out thyroid issues, and iron absorption good.

He went on in the voicemail recommending what I think were several gerontologists. That’s crazy, I’m 45, dude. Whatever. If I got the allopecia, then I got it. IMHO stress, but the way to cure it is likely not by worrying about it!

So, yeah, I got good blood, so I’m celebrating with some Black Bush and try not to turn off my alarm clock and oversleep tomorrow and forget my regular glasses and burn asphalt wearing prescription sunglasses because I forgot my regular ones!

Tiger blood! Drink it in!