Show us your most recent mundane, stupid, non-MST3K accomplishment

I approve of your Braking for Moose stance.

Frankly, when you refuse to brake for moose, nobody wins!


I’ve thought about adding “and squirrel.”


Operation Moose and Squirrel Must Die!

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That’s “Keel Muuse.”


That’s what it says.


I briefly wondered if maybe we just all wanted to be loved.


Maybe the real MST3K Forum was the friends we made along the way.

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They say love is a battlefield!

But then they also say “I don’t know what love is”!


/* Had another pitcher of RC Cola, won three of three games of 8-ball, and drove my drunken/stoned idiot friend to his apartment, and put up with his drunken motormouth bullstuff without even getting angry. Even when he refused to leave my car when I parallel parked right in front of his apt. He gave me a score of 91 on my parking abilities, so that’s something. What a whining little baby! Oh well, he did text me and actually said “Thanks for helping me get home,” so all is well enough, I guess. Whatevs. */

/* And saw my gal Nicole at the bar today. She said “hi” to me, I called her “Natalie” (by accident! not some ruse, I just forgot!) instead of her actual name, which she thought was funny enough, and actually got to trot out an MST3K favorite an hour or so later, “So you come around here much?” I amused her, pretty much. Plenty of smiles and eye contact from her. She doesn’t hate me, but I don’t know how DTF she is. Time will tell all!

She was amused. Didn’t get much one-on-one time with her, so no phone number for me today nor the sex, but I can slow play that one. No need to rush into anything.

Although she did “get” to hear my witty, dry ripostes to my drunken idiot friend while she was working on her laptop and we were playing pool about twenty feet away. And she no doubt heard my masterful control of the cueball: it runs the gamut from hard draw shots, to delicate dropping of balls.

Not quite the gamut from A to B, a little better than that. She knows I’m not just some redneck banger at the pool table…I think that’s point in my favor. */

/* EDIT: Oh, and I found my car accepts USB sticks with music on it, so I can just turn the bluetooth off on my phone and not deal with any of that cr*p…honestly, I have no use for any of those electronic features on the car.

Although 360° visibility is pretty poor (excluding the usual blindspots), so I kind of like the rear backup camera, even though I don’t trust it.

There is a lane-drifting corrective option, as well as supposedly sensing upcoming stopping car, but I don’t tailgate (ever!) and can (almost!) always keep her between the ditches, so I don’t use those. */

/* OH! and EETA: I bought a replacement rear light bulb for my wrecked old car, and went back to the place (it’s an auto supply store on my way home), and said, “Hey, I didn’t have a chance replace the bulb before I wrecked my car. Can I return this?” Of course I had the receipt, and the bulbs were in the package.

Guy was cool as ess, mf! He was like, “OK, your name is ‘Smith’ for this purpose…they don’t need to know your name. Do you want the refund on your card, or cash?”

Damn, that was one chill mf! I don’t know if it’s b/c I still had on my hi-vis vest on my work, or he was a cool mf, but that guy was the man!

Baxter’s Auto Repair! Know them! Love them! Respect them! Offer tribute! */

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I’ve got a co-worker who regularly receives email addressed to the “Chief Medical Officer” because he has unhappy with the other choices offered and wrote in his own. Lots of “Dear Dr. SoAndSo” mailings and catalogs over the years.

Note, we are not a medical supply company nor a doctor’s office. For that matter, we are not a Starfleet medical facility either.


New lenses for glasses, finally acquired!! :partying_face:

Also, I really did get hold of a small organizer and organize the junk drawer in the kitchen. (No, you can’t borrow my gun. It got rusty so I threw it away.)


My latest article for CultureSlate: Craig McCracken Returns to Cartoon Network with ‘Powerpuff Girls’ and ‘Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends’ Reboots


This is so interesting, I’ll be very curious to see what these reboots look like! I loved both shows when they ran. Curious about the 2016 reboot of Powerpuff Girls…I genuinely had no idea it existed. All I’ve ever heard of is the live action version that the CW network talked about doing. But I can’t recall when that was supposed to happen or if it ever did

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Supposedly I “accomplished” getting my drunken idiot friend to talk me up a bunch to this gal Nicole, who, reportedly, is “intrigued” by me. Yes, I’m a big boy and I do my own making friends, live and in stereo, but it still counts.

And to amuse the peanut gallery, I think what she overheard me and my drunken idiot friend talking about at the pool table was straight out of that Seinfeld episode. He was slurredly talking about “That’s what you said, you said I’m a blanket hog, the other night.” To which I said, “I didn’t say you’re a blanket hog! I didn’t even use the blanket!”

Classic. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but could be easily mistaken! It’s funny to me, anyway.


The script got out, so it went to be reworked…for reasons opposite to why everyone hated it. It’s allegedly still alive but the talent contracts have lapsed. The 2016 reboot wasn’t written well, for its plot or characters.


Nobody can seem to follow the example of how the Sonic producers reacted when fans told them the problems with their original version of the movie. Go figure :joy:

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In the case of PPG, my suspicion is this: CN says, “Hey, people love the PPG, a lot of those kids have kids of their own now, let’s cash in!”

“But won’t that be expensive getting Craig McCracken to come back, along with Tara, E.G. and Catharine? To say nothing of Tom Kane and Tom Kenny!”

“OK, but hear me out…”

I think what most people hated was they didn’t use the original cast and there was no way CN was gonna spend that kinda money, so there’s no fixing it. (Although, hey, points for Sony that they actually DID spend the cash on Sonic.)

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I also think a big turn off was that a “dark and gritty” version of PPF was not of interest to many original fans. Plus with the CW being famous for how well written its shows are… (/sarcasm)


Most recent accomplishment as of 2 minutes ago: calling to get electricity service turned on in my name at my new place. Being that I’ve never had to do that for myself before, kind of exciting and anxious :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


That is a red letter day! Word to the wise: watch out for the letters from the electric company that actually have red fringes on the envelope! It’s never good!


I not only did psychic driving on Sharena at work (she of the annoying songs) to start her singing Tiny Tim’s “Tiptoe…through the tulips!” which is much preferable to the hook from “The Final Countdown,”

BUT I get to train her to be an exit yard marshall next week. She’s as amusing as I am, and she’ll be great. I’m just going to hand her the megaphone from the git-go and let her do her thing. I’ll keep track of times, because it seems I’m the only person who actually wears a wristwatch.

No, she’s all partnered up, it’s not like that, she’s just an amusing work acquaintance who DID NOT accept my Facebook friend request!

I did tell her, “I’m going to break you down and build you back up again! You’re going to be a mean exit marshall machine!” All in good fun: not rocket trepanning.


Accomplishments? I got pretty damned drunk yesterday on my day off (a 5L box of Franzia Crisp White, and two forties of Steel Reserve 211 at 8.1% ABV).

And amused myself by having some long Facebook messenger conversations with two people from work: just kind of gossipping and screwing around. To my credit, I didn’t say anything offensive. One was chatting in French with this dude Chuck, for some reason (I don’t think he really has mastered the language, but he wanted to use the language for some reason), the other was just bs-ing with Sharena, taking about gals at work and trying to bolster her confidence when she gets trained by me as an exit yard marshall. She’s a little nervous about it. But I’m an excellent teacher and good at chilling people out.

And she finally friended me on FB! My life is complete!

But, yes, I was really hurting for it at work, but made it through, and even stayed after to help run out some extra routes. Not so bad.


Oh, also, I figured out that I’m supposed to only have a thirty day suspension of driver’s license after my temporary permit expires. Who knows how long the DMV will take to process a hardship permit (to go to and from work), but I find out soon enough. I think they technically can hang me up given that a blew a 0.25, but who knows.

However! I found out a can actually take public transportation out to work. It will take about 1.75 hours. And my cabbie friend offered to drive me on days he’s working for cost of gas only (should be about $20); however, while he’s an experienced cabbie, I don’t think I can rely on him with much certainty for five days a week. SHould be able to do it a couple days a week at least though. Still, his lease on his cab doesn’t start until 0700, so I’d be late.,=

Pretty sure I can get a ride back from someone, or possibly a ride share in the morning, but only a few people on my time live near me. Chuck doesn’t really want to, I don’t think. There’s this kind of deranged older dude who lives out in my direction, but I’m not sure I want to risk getting date raped. Probably not, but you never know! And Mark and Laurie carpool from downtown, which I can get to easily enough, but while they’ll probably give me a lift back, I don’t know if they want the added complexity.

I’ll have to start an hour late every day, but I think one of my managers can do some hoodoo conjuring and make an accomodation. Don’t really want to put in for a personal leave of absence (or even a FMLA absence, which should bring me at least some income).

The best would be if I can drive to a nearby park-and-ride to catch a commuter train (with a suspended license!), but not sure how I feel about that. It is truly, so close I smell it from home, but not sure I want to leave my car there, It’s “kind of” scofflawish :wink:, but, hey, in for a penny, in for a pound or something.

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