Sidehacking Lives!

Watching 60 Minutes (get off my lawn!) and damned if I didn’t see a feature on motorcycle racing on the Isle of Man. Damned if there wasn’t a section on sidehacking, complete with an explanation of the sport and a demo featuring super-sleek cycles and sidecars.

  1. Please, no sequel.
  2. I pray this is contained to that island.
  3. I need GPC to drop a Sportscenter graphic on this post.

Sidehacking is also a thing in Japan apparently. There was an entire anime series devoted to the sport back in 2017 called Two Car. Also, there was a sidehacking race in the Ah My Goddess movie.

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Let’s combine Japan’s love of sidehacking with their number one movie export.
Gamera vs The Sidehackers coming to a Gizmoplex near you!

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Only love pads the Gamera film.

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Stay away from Sidehackers, I hated the episode so much because of the movie’s brutally violent and traumatizing content, as well as Rommel’s fiancé being graphically and violently raped, beaten, stabbed, and tortured to death (as well as Rommel getting shot to death at the end trying to avenge her) disturbed the cast members so much, they had to watch a bad movie beforehand and then make an episode of it.
Even if the episode is edited for television airings back then, it still not gonna cut it. Even the host segments didn’t help at all.

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Well, we fans and viewers didn’t know any of that until after the fact. I enjoyed the episode and only later found out about the parts of the movie that had been edited out.


I guess, I asked my Mom if she saw the episode, but she got furious and said she’ll never watch it because she learned beforehand of the movie’s very gruesome content, even more so since she hates biker movies.
But yeah, stay away from the unedited version, it’s gonna scar and terrify you real bad.

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