Sketches From Synthia Selects


Instead of “sketches” or “skits”, how about we start calling them “experimental one-act plays”? That way, next season MST could apply for some serious grant money from those prestigious arts foundations. Maybe even get back on PBS stations!


Next thing you know he’s gonna try retiring schiing too


So I’ve expressed my fondness for the extra host segments that have been sprinkled around the Gizmoplex in Vault Picks, tribute shows, and new episode premieres. They are of the utmost quality and would fit into any episode as a proper host segment.

So where will they live? If we fast forward 20 years, when MST3K is premiering Season 33 in the Gizmoplex, and some N00B comes along and hears about this great host segment where they think Crow is dead. Where do they find that? How will we preserve all of this awesome for future generations? Think of the children!


Aye, we talked about this in another thread, and it would be nice to have a kind of Satellite Dishes compilation of this like Synthia’s Selects and so forth. One of the argument against is that these things are special because they are evanescent, and that may be the feeling of Joel & Co. as well.

Being a data hoarder, I want to keep them, naturally.


So say we all!


I at least hope that somewhere around here, somebody is getting ready to circulate tapes…


Hi! Sorry, I don’t intend to make this a blu-ray bonus begging post, but I did want to bring this up since past MST3K releases lacked certain materials because nobody thought to ask (MST3K Hour segments, for example).

Anyway, I love the Vault Picks concept and the new sketches they contain, but it appears the go away each month with the new wrap around segments lost to time (unless there is an archive I am missing on the Gizmoplex). Anyway, it would be super cool if the eventual season blu-ray contains a supercut of all the new segments on their own for superfans like myself who enjoy the additional character moments and lore they bring, even if the episode they are presenting itself is not included.


Yo, we PAYED for that!


I dislike the idea of these sketches disappearing forever. I think KS backers especially should have them, either in some digital vault or in the blu-ray/DVD which is due out for KS backers only I do believe. Personally, I missed last month’s because life got busy and now they are apparently gone forever. Seems like a weird practice for a show built off the idea of sharing content.


July’s new content timecodes…

The Giant Gila Monster - 37:39; 1:25:13
Devil Fish - 17:47; 1:26:05
Eegah - 37:10; 1:24:11
Gamera vs. Zigra - 36:28; 1:05:34
Gorgo - 1:02:41; 1:21:07
The Giant Spider Invasion - 17:36; 56:02


Count me as one who does like that these things will disappear forever.

Makes it special… this moment, this time, never more.

Just watched Devil Fish, and yay for the mid-point guest. I was saying in another thread not long ago, how nice it would be to have **** show up, and Tim liked my post. I thought he was just being nice, but now I know the truth, Tim is like the anti-Coily (he gives rather than takes away)

“Okay mister, I’ll fix it so you get that wish!” -whistle-boing-


Be sure to tune in to Giant Gila Monster too.


Once the Blu-Ray and DVD releases of Season 13 arrive next year, I’m 85% sure that the previous Synthia’s Selects segments will end up as bonus features in some way.


Oh yeah, they’ll likely pop up some day, but for now I’m content with them being a limited time offer and I’ll enjoy the sense of… maybe they won’t pop up anytime soon.


Or make it so if you do the Konami Code on the Gizmoplex, this is what you see, a super cut of the season’s collected, unaffiliated to an episode, bits.


I hope they don’t become lost media because I haven’t been able to watch them all


I like that we get an extra Donna St Phibes skit, er, sketch this month.


Late to the semantics party. But it’s likely that I’ve always just preferred sketch because I have an art degree. :grin: No one has ever said, “Look at how this Matisse skit of the small lady in the barge-sized hat has a free and vibrant feeling totally absent from the finished painting.” :wink:


What Clang said.

On The Dick Van Dyke Show they ALWAYS said “Sketch”, that’s where I learned it.

Skits are for kids. I don’t write skits for my theatre workshop.