Thoughts on MST3K "The Movie"

The Melting Man skits are so bleakly hilarious (or vice versa) that they almost make all the terrible machinations behind the movie worthwhile.



Weā€™re all in agreement that the water stuff more or less actually played out like that, yes?


Youā€™ll Never Eat Soup For Lunch On This Earth Again


Hah! :smiley:

From Mary Jo Pehlā€™s write-up for The Incredible Melting Man, taken from the Satellite News site:

The host segments were an exercise in healing after our struggle to make the Mystery Science Theater movie. It was a difficult process, and not really fun at all ā€“ working with the studio and all the attendant politics and creative roadblocks was really, really frustrating. We didnā€™t have the freedom to be as irreverent and eclectic as we were in the TV show. We had to work with people who had silly names that they had made up for themselves. I remember at one point, while the studio shepherds in charge of MST3K: The Movie were in Minneapolis, it was during the height of the ubiquitous O.J. Simpson deal. The studio exec informed us over lunch that there was a big trial in Los Angeles with O.J. Simpson because heā€™d been accused of murdering his wife, and ā€œhad (we) heard anything about it out here?ā€ It was like a hog-pile on our souls.


Iā€™m proud of everyone involved for not developing near-fatal crack habits. Yes, even Mr. Mallon.


AMEN. Whereā€™s the choir?

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ā€œDr Meachumā€“weā€™re not hiring.ā€


The movie, to me, is a grand experiment in itself to see if you can take this simple premise, not change a thing in the writing, add the cinematic polish of Hollywood to a movie that could have easily been made for television only. Itā€™s an amazing accomplishment that I think is inspirational to independent film makers, showing that if you put enough heart and effort into something you can make something pretty cool. Even if it is only touches the fan base, or building fan base.


One of the things that gets me is that a criticism Iā€™ve seen about the newer MST3K is the faster paced riffing; the movie was definitely the first step in that direction, as the riffs ran much closer together and required multiple viewings. I for one very nearly missed ā€œkiss me goodbyeā€ right near the beginning and when I caught it, I busted a gut.

Side note, Iā€™ve also taken to indicating that I have a refreshing mint flavor when something green-dominant happens anywhere. I was looking through menu options when playing Earthbound and saw one for the menu screen being mint, and immediately said the line then accepted it.


Soā€¦keep you away from anything Green Lantern related then.


Bumping this thread up a bit for a thought:

I know itā€™d be a tricky thing with licensing with Universal and such, but with the new season of the show coming out, you think they should have Fathom events do a limited screening on The Movie for audiences?

It would fufill a bit for me as I had wanted to see this in this in theaters but didnā€™t get the chance.


I would love it if Fanthom or Alamo Draft House did a run of the movie.


Would love a chance to catch in a theater, but I think it likely itā€™d have to be a print grab by a local/art house/etc, not a major event.
Aside from this being ā€˜what lawyers and dollars are forā€™ around any rights concerns, Iā€™m not sure how much of a draw it would be. A 75 min film that only made a million or so its first time around might be hard to get folks to talk about even after a few martinis. Even fully restored, just donā€™t knowā€¦


I was mostly talking about 1 or 2 day event styles, like they did with the 86 Transformers movie and the Sailor Moon movies for example (and Rifftrax events to connect it back to riffing). So any bit of money gained in that time would be a bonus for it.


Iā€™ve watched the movie , probably a million times ! It catches a lot of flack, but I think it has some really great riffs . I havenā€™t watched it in some time, so maybe I need to revisit the movie and see if it holds up


Honestly, the movie is a perfect thing to throw on when you need something pure fun. Itā€™s the MST3K equivalent of a quick sugar hit.


Guys, I can officially say Iā€™ve seen the MST3K movie. I donā€™t know about you guys, but I thought it was incredible.


WOOO! Come on in to the Metaluna Mixer!


Wasnā€™t sure whether to make a new thread for this.

Ken Plumeā€™s Patreon always has had a boatload of MST3K cast audio interviews (those are free on A Bit of a Chat With Ken Plume), game show appearances, and movie talk, but this is new.

Hey, #MST3K fans! I just added my original audio recording of the NYC press roundtable for Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie - featuring TraceBeaulieu, Kevin Murphy, Jim Mallon & Mike Nelson and recorded on April 9, 1996 - as a $1+ Patron exclusiveā€¦


I love the movie. The first time I ever saw it, my friend borrowed a DVD of it from our local library, and it was the only movie Iā€™d ever seen where I actually fell off my seat, doubled over with laughter. I still quote it regularly among friends.