What are you listening to right now?

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Finally here! I’ve been waiting two months for this!

Gettin’ loud up in here tonight.


I was delighted to learn from my Korn-loving coworker that Freak on a Leash pet collars and accessories are a thing that exists. Tempted to get them for the cats but will have to wait 'til they’re all growed up.

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YouTube suggested this to me this morning. I haven’t heard this song in probably close to 15 years but remembered all the words!


Asked for Mojo Nixon!


We said, “If you don’t got Mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin’”


Playing this again at home, after having spent the commute to-and-fro work, plus a stop at the car mechanics place, with this on repeat.

Yeah, the little chromatic arrangement of the head (which continues as blowing changes) is cute and all, but Grant Green is pure bebop on this. For example, he never treats the V7 chord as a ii (minorization), just as a regular V7b9, and is just straight up using enclosures and so forth.

I have the Wolf Marshall transcription of GG’s statement of the head and GG’s first solo, but I think I should probably write out with pencil and paper Sonny Clark’s acoustic piano solo, just for fun. It’s cooking, man!

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Good news everyone!

The Dead Milkmen are still around and making music. They also do a weekly YouTube show called Big Questions with The Dead Milkmen.

Latest album: Quaker City Quiet Pills

Big Questions with The Dead Milkmen

Edit: to add that the YouTube show is worth it just for the recommendations at the end. I’ve discovered some cool music and movies from their recommendations.


They must be starting to smell pretty bad by now, though.

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Just listening again and thinking again that Callier might’ve foreseen the existence of internet trolls when he wrote this. Damn that man was a treasure who should’ve been a superstar before his untimely passing. Then again, he didn’t appear to want that.:

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Ten is great but I’m a Vs. man. Their hardest rocking, angriest and funkiest album.


Was singing it for like twenty minutes while shaving my biweekly beard growth down, so of course I had to put it on the tube.

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Who called this tempo on “Oleo”? It’s a bit ridiculously fast. The bassist’s fingers must have been like gnarled stubs. I know Duvivier and others are used to playing single finger fast tempi, but that’s got to be rough as heck.

/* way late edit…but it has to be said. What is Tucker’s (piano) major malfunction, exactly? He’s way out of line. He’s a typical “chops be good” pianist, and he repeats that little cliché going to the diminished seventh about every damned half bar, preparing for the next chord. He also plasters the chart by playing every single change.

Cannot comp. No ears. Over freaking rhythm changes with the standard bridge. No need, my guy!

Jeez! There was this guy at this little bar up in the XIIIème who used to sit in on piano sometimes, just like that. Too much.

At least Benson got to speak a little during the bridges when the “pianist” couldn’t do his normal shtikele. */

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Wake the eff up


I need to borrow the Time Bag. Clifton Chenier must be persuaded to cover the MST3K Love Theme:

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Fun music video with puppets by an artist I support on Patreon.

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