What games have you played recently?

We went to Bank of Pinball last night. They have over 50 machines, including the new Weird Al machine (more on that later) and you can play as many games as you want on Friday and Saturday nights for $15.

Here are some of the games they had-

This one was the most fun-

Sadly not working:

And then there was the Weird Al game…

It is a beautiful pinball table. The most amazing I have ever seen, no question. It’s got some really interesting ideas, most notably a video screen on the table itself covering half the table starting at the flippers.

However- it is also the most needlessly difficult pinball game I have ever played. There are three flipper buttons on each side. You have to use two of them pretty much all the time and remember to switch between them at the right moments and I couldn’t even figure out when to use the third. It was just too hard. Very cool game, but too hard.

Anyway, it was a great time. The only unfortunate thing was that it was too loud to hear the games very well. Sometimes, however, that was a good thing. The Aerosmith game only played clips from Sweet Emotion when I played it. Like it played the opening guitar lick pretty much the entire time I was on ball 1.