What games have you played recently?

I also wonder if Muskrat Musk boasting about Diablo 4 on Twitter didnt cause Blizzard to just see little money bag signs


Trying out a game I backed on Kickstarter years ago called A Twisted Tale.

It’s a point and click adventure game. Backers are getting it 2 weeks early, general release will be the first week of March.


Me? Oh, not much. Just busy being the savior of humanity.




Talking about Star Wars Videogame mods got me nostalgic, so I would like to submit one of the greatest fandom projects I have ever, ever played:

It is a LORE FRIENDLY Starcraft 1 (or) 2 campaign trillogy that absolutely rocks sox.

If you are a StarCraft player, give this forgotten diamond a go


Mmmm, sounds like years 98 through 05


We went to Bank of Pinball last night. They have over 50 machines, including the new Weird Al machine (more on that later) and you can play as many games as you want on Friday and Saturday nights for $15.

Here are some of the games they had-

This one was the most fun-

Sadly not working:

And then there was the Weird Al game…

It is a beautiful pinball table. The most amazing I have ever seen, no question. It’s got some really interesting ideas, most notably a video screen on the table itself covering half the table starting at the flippers.

However- it is also the most needlessly difficult pinball game I have ever played. There are three flipper buttons on each side. You have to use two of them pretty much all the time and remember to switch between them at the right moments and I couldn’t even figure out when to use the third. It was just too hard. Very cool game, but too hard.

Anyway, it was a great time. The only unfortunate thing was that it was too loud to hear the games very well. Sometimes, however, that was a good thing. The Aerosmith game only played clips from Sweet Emotion when I played it. Like it played the opening guitar lick pretty much the entire time I was on ball 1.


Our local Pinball joint had that Rush machine for a while but I missed it.


As far as I know, these are all permanently there. At least, all the ones that were there when I was there the last time when it was much smaller were still there.


I’m told by the pinball nut that runs the place that the machines get rented to various parlors and are swapped in and out regularly. That is a thing about which I know nothing, though. DAV push button flippy ding ding.


The Weird Al one here is probably permanent because it’s been a big part of their advertising lately.


Well that’s great for you then, Weird Al Fan.


Except the game is way too hard. :frowning:


Chex Quest! Well, the HD version on Steam, anyway. I remember having way too much fun with the original for something that came in a cereal box. The remake’s not amazing, but it’s short and fun enough for the time it takes.


I’ve been playing a bit of Slipstream: Rogue Space. In it, you collaborate with other players live, to repair a starship, or man the weapons bays, or the shield modules, med-bay, etc…depending on which character you pick initially. You can unlock other characters, they are animal based, and you can upgrade your characters with experience you get on missions. It’s pretty fun, and there are usually two or three different captains to sail under, with various crew sizes.

I first played with a very large crew, but I would suggest a smaller crew for timing, the big ships and crews swallowed all my memory.


The last few months have been a bit weird and I’ve fallen out of the games I was playing, which means I may have yet another abandoned Cyberpunk save if I can’t get back into it soon.

I just started the remake of Geneforge, which so far is a nice, light old-school RPG with an interesting premise and setting. If you’ve never played a Spiderweb game, you should definitely try either this or one of the Avernum remakes. They’re all made by one guy and his wife in their spare room, and they’ve been doing it for decades.

I’ve also been jonesing for a good, immersive fantasy RPG. I’ve done Skyrim to death at this point, so I’ve been playing around with dipping back into Morrowind again. I’ve also played that to oversaturation, but not as recently. Sadly, there aren’t really a lot of other options out there.


I’ve gotten to the point where I’m stuck in Bravely Default II, at the end of Chapter 4. The big boss at the end deals more and more damage the weaker he gets. I keep getting him down to about 10% of his HP and then he deals an attack that hits everyone in my party for 100-300% of Max HP. Thinking it’s time to take a break or go back and do a lot of grinding and see if leveling up some more and doing even more build tweaks can help me.

After starting the Fallout show on Amazon (which I have now finished as well), I went back to Fallout 76 (which Amazon gave out free codes for and GamePass routinely gives perks with useful items) and have been playing some of the main story quest. I also started Fallout: New Vegas, but kept getting myself killed in the first training mission, so I’ve back burnered it for now. Yes, I know it’s supposed to have the best story.

Also started Persona 3: Reload on XBox, because it’s on GamePass and one of the current perks you can claim is the DLC pack. I’m still in the tutorial part. In fact I finally just got to the first time you activate your Persona and do your first easy RPG battle against a Shadow (and then collapse and end up in the hospital for 10 days). What little I’ve played, I’ve enjoyed though.

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Same here.


Noticed there was an update to Stardew Valley, added a new farm and some other stuff. So trying out the new farm that gives you a coop and chickens at the start.


I dipped into FO 76 again recently, too. It’s improved a lot, but it didn’t really grab me. I might try again now that I’ve had a few weeks away. As for New Vegas, I had a lot of fun with it back in the day, but it’s not as good as it’s made out to be. It’s buggy (less so now), surprisingly empty, prone to railroading, and requires metagaming to navigate some of its questlines, but it does have a better story and background than the Bethesda ones. It’s definitely got high points, but I always thought the anti-Bethesda crowd praise it so much just to (somehow) stick it to Bethesda. It does have Kinga in it, though.

I’ve been playing a new game called Dread Delusion, which everyone keeps comparing to Morrowind. It’s pretty accurate. The gameplay doesn’t have a lot of depth, but it’s a genuinely fantastic world wtih lots of cool lore to delve into. It captures the “good RPG” feeling of the early 2000s quite well.