What happened to THE FINAL SACRIFICE?

Not a big fan of Anthem by Ayn Rand?

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:person_shrugging: I don’t know what that is? (edit, after the edit… never read it)

But it’s more about ascribing something to an all - for example, in a review of Cold Mountain, a certain critic closed his write-up by saying that “audiences will be left cold”, which is not even a good pun, but I was, wait, audiences? You know the minds of us all. Because I wasn’t left cold, I was rather emotionally invested in the film.

I thought, “Maybe I’m not part of the collective “all”, or maybe I don’t count, maybe he just forgot about me when polling audiences across the globe?” :wink:

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(I wouldn’t know what it was either if I wasn’t assigned it in high school.)

Yeah, I get you. But it’s impossible not to generalize.


Oh I know, I just like overthinking things like that

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That is such an amazing sentence!


If only it was an absolute, but alas, I use “we” all the time.

(Which is a sentence people could take the wrong way.) :slightly_smiling_face:

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It shows up in the search because at one time, years ago, you could still buy it. If you bought it then, you can still access it. But it’s not coming back.
Ultimately, that’s okay. A good thing, even. Because this one has gotten entirely too much attention over the years. Sure it’s good, but so are many other overlooked episodes. Look at this scenario as a reason to dig into the back catalog, you may find something you like more than, (gasp) The Final Sacrifice. With 200+ episodes, and individual tastes being what they are, I’m amazed any episode gets more recognition than others.


Yep. That was an add-on during the first (Netflix / S11) Kickstarter. If you got the episode back then you still have it, but it’s been unavailable since Shout Factory lost the rights in (I believe) 2017.


Oh, okay. Thanks for the info.

I have them all on disc, that one included, and have watched them all multiple times, so there’s nothing in the back catalog that’s new to me.

But it is interesting that there are those who are still discovering these episodes, all these years later. The show is still generating new fans. Its staying power is impressive.

Oh, and Final Sacrifice ranks 5th in my favorites list, so there’s only 4 I like better.


Ah, makes sense. Vimeo has had the episodes for years.

I don’t agree that it’s a positive, though.


Third place, here.


I probably had it in the 60’s maybe.

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‘Scuse me for bumping this old thread but I was doin’ some snoppin’ on Lumen and came across this complaint from Mr. Greidanus that might explain why the episode is in limbo:

Writing to request that my film, The Final Sacrifice, be immediately removed from Google Drive. An unauthorized user has uploaded the entire film. If you provide a way for me to upload 2 legal agreements between me and the film’s former distributor, Shout Factory, I can provide proof that the film’s copyright belongs to me and that I am its sole licensor. I am currently talking to a distributor about re-releasing the film. Having it on Google Drive devalues it. Thank you.


That’s one way to deal with it. Another way would be embrace MSTiedom and Kickstart Final Sacrifice 2: Rowsdower’s Revenge(hint, hint)


I’m fortunate enough to have not one, or two, but three copies of Final Sacrifice! One on the Shout! video, one from Cheesyflix, and one copy on VHS! Yes, I taped Final Sacrifice on VHS off of Sci- Fi channel during a blizzard here in Maryland. It had to be 2002 or 2003. It instantly became one of my favorites.


I was lucky to have a kind fan make a copy for me. Which means, no matter what, I have to make sure that I always have a computer which can play discs (or at least support a disc player).

@wyswysia But who would play Rowsdower? I just can’t, uh… picture it without the original.


Yes. It’s not Rowsdower if it’s not Bruce Mitchell. That would be like recasting James T. Kirk. Sure, it might be a good actor, a better one even, but it’s not right! (Sorry… this isn’t the Star Trek thread… :smiley: )


This just makes me imagine Shatner in a mullet and giant mustache, which is… so wrong on so many levels. But hey! He IS Canadian, so… :thinking:


William Shatner IS Zap Rowsdower IN “Star Trek XVI: The Search for Satoris”


CGI Rowsdower! Because that always works so well and never looks like a disrespectful nightmare.