What song do you have stuck in your head right now?

at work today:


Way back when, I bought this album because “Steppin’ Out” and “Breaking Us In Two” were such a big radio hits at the time, but this was the track that really caught my attention.


lol my favorite from there is “Cancer.” So you know for sure what kind of dreadful, irredeemable person I am. :smile_cat:

“And hey! Don’t play that piano!!”

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This visits my head from time to time, parts of it reminds me of a woman I knew, my memories of her. I love the line…

I’m lost where no one can find me
I think of her and my future’s behind me

and verse 2

There are some things a man tries so hard to forget
Like that face that she made
When I knew things had changed
Now she’s gone, I’ve marched on
To some secret song that can’t drown out her name


Curious choice for a band name. :thinking:

In a more humorous vein, this makes me think of some people I cared the world for, who faded out sometime ago but sometimes you just… you know…


Local hero - born in Chelan, lived in Seattle.


The one time we had a chance to see her, there was a damn flood and they couldn’t get to the venue.

No idea why this song popped into my head this morning and is still there:

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Had this song stuck in my head so I had to go give it a listen.

It’s always nice to find out that a song still sounds as good as you remembered it being.

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Very specifically this


I forgot how much I loved this song when I was a little kid


They look way more convincing as Civil War soldiers than as Chicago “Gangsters”…

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Daddy was a cop on the East Side of Chicago… out in Lake Michigan…


Completely random. I just was watching this little interview with John Waters, who, AFAIK, never put this tune in any of his movies, and, of course, David Lynch made a big thing of it in Mulholland Drive.

And Cannonball made a stone recording of this tune way back in the day. I think he did it in C concert, for some reason, but not feeling like looking it up. I believe Ms. Scott is in Eb, a much better key for keyboards, but I don’t know if I can trust my guitar nor if the recording wasn’t altered in speed, for whatever reason, or just was between the cracks for reasons of the tape machines of the day.

No, I can’t explain it.

Just popped into my head and now it’s stuck there…for a bit. I like the chord changes (kind of a little twist on the regular…the bridge is nice) and the tune, but I’ve never played it live or done much more than fool around with it a number of years ago at the piano.

/* edit Love the tremolo on the guitar. Super thick and voluptuous, almost like a water bed, but never loses the percussive attack. Whoever engineered this one was probably pretty good! */

/** later edit, yeah, I had to look up Cannon’s thing…guess he did it in F concert…

Underrated tune…I don’t think many musicians have covered this one.

Anyway, song’s stuck in my head, for whatever damned fool reason. **/


Originally, I only had a chunk of this song in my head (the portion they stuck at the end of some live performances of “Harm’s Way”), but the whole thing is running in my head this morning.