What's Going On at Work?

This driver was operating a big box truck, looked privately owned as it had no Amazon markings.
Very surprised he didn’t rupture his fuel tank when he tagged the wall!

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Once again, my boss has some odd shifting of due dates.

We are looking at implementing a couple new vendors, and have some basic documentation to review for workflow things/cocerns/issues. My boss on Wednesday tasked me and two others with reviewing the documentation. She initially asked if end of March (in other words, just shy of two months) was too soon. One of the other people said that it wouldn’t take that long to do. So my boss then said, “so…what about April 15”. That’s right, when we said it wouldn’t take 2 months to do, she pushed it even further out.

We committed to March 8, and the other two people already have their review done. I’ll likely have mine done this week.


Absolute chaos. I’m currently not working on Fridays, and it seems every Monday I come in, look at the invoicing system, and go, “What the heck were you all DOING all day Friday?”

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Wow. I had a couple of really passive aggressive comments over the two way radio set to my team.

A few times I used the word “menace,” as in this quote which I think is exactly what I said: “OK, now all the routes are out, so you should be good to bring in empty carts without being a menace.”

Among other things I can’t recall exactly.

Well, those n00b little punks are really chapping my hinder. Completely worthless pukes.

/* edit…Oh, and the new manager for front half of the week continues to be ridiculous. I doubt she has any prior experience at all. She is certainly not suited for leadership roles. Quoting Dalton, [she] doesn’t have the right temperament for the trade. */

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That was refreshing, today. Our Operations Manager seems to have cut a backroom deal with our contracted driver companies.

So, no matter how much this gal from one company liked to go on screeds addressed to our whole dispatch team about how their drivers cannot be rushed, ever, because our job is easy, and they have a full day of driving the mean streets (which is true!) and we should suc…cumb to their every comfort and make them feel secure, loved, and appreciated.

Or whatever.


Regardless of official exit time, as soon as they’re locked, cocked, loaded, and ready to rock, get those mothercrabbers OTR statim!

If they have to use the head? They exit past the GPS “beacon,” turn back into the parking lot, and do it that way.


Oh, and this pretty driver for one of the companies…fairly new. First noticed her maybe three weeks ago. Chatted her up a bit, observing to her that she’s a new driver but she really seems to know her stuff.

But I missed a classic opportunity! “So, you doing anything special for Valentime’s Day?” Didn’t get her name, either. Tomorrow!

Oh well. No, I’m not perving on anyone at work, it’s just…you know…being friendly. It’s allowed! Trust me! I an expert!


And the saga with our new front half manager continues…man. We are sorely lacking in true leadership.

I’m supposedly responsible in theory for coaching and training, but my authority doesn’t exist without a direct mandate from my supervisor or area manager. I still get on people’s … backs for being menaces and fools, but it’s on the level of grumbling and grunting.

And our two supervisors seem extra demoralized lately…likely due to lack of leadership and direction from our new mgr.

And yet my application for process assistant sits in the queue, waiting…wtf are they waiting for? They need one more supervisor (process assistant), I want more hours and more responsibilities, and I know everything and beyond there is to know about this little job and others in the company.

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I saw a sweater at my workplace laying out clothes for UC Irvine. I’ll say that Fingal isn’t a fan of them just for their mascot.

Google It John Oliver GIF by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


‘Time, it’s like a Predator… It’s Stalking You!’ :open_mouth:

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At most…most…a “run! get to the chopper!”

Fair warning!

Anyway I have a metal whistle around my neck that jingles and jangles, so I can’t sneak up on people. Hmmm…I wonder why I’m the only one with that model whistle on my lanyard at work…hmmm…

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Maybe you need a Cowbell at work :open_mouth:

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Nah. I don’t know how to play a cowbell! I do know how to whistle, though!

It’s part of the training package when one first receives one’s hi-viz vest. One must practice now and then.

Almost forgot: for some reason today I decided to yell out over the megaphone “Gabba Gabba Hey! Lanes 3 and 4, hit it!” Never thought of dipping into the Ramones bag…MC5, James Brown, Aretha, Funkadelic, so many other references, but not the Gabba gabba.

Probably can’t use that one again…gotta keep it fresh.

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the police 80s GIF

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Got a good zinger in over the megaphone at this “problem” DSP lead (sort of I guess she’s a manager for her company, but she’s awful).

Over the megaphone as the next wave was leaving drivelane: “Thank you, T_____, for using the crosswalk and not entering the active drivelane.”

Why her company keeps her around is beyond me, but whatevs. Not my problem.


And, yes, I did see Driver Pretty again today, of course, but I decided that two days in a row of chatting her up is absurd. Polite, and professional. That’s how I roll. But I was friendly, and no big! I treat all coworkers regardless of their direct employer equally.

You might think that’s the bare minimum, but, eeecchhh, there’s one wormy little dude with a lot of knowledge and experience at my job, but he is a shameless flirt. It’s a common topic of mockery among me and particularly my lady coworkers. We all like him, and he’s been here forever, is an actual adult and not a man-child, but it’s absurd.

Long story short, I reflected and I was right! Driver mama got my attention, and she knows I know she exists, but that’s how the sausage is made.

Work! Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely something! Say it again!


Imma ponder on this for a bit.

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This will be a short week for me.
Took Monday and Tuesday off for vacation and I was off today for my day off. Working a full day tomorrow then only a half day Friday for a Dr appointment, and a full day Saturday. I’ll also be off Monday for President’s day.
My coworker leaves for vacation this weekend for most of next week so I’m Hoping for a somewhat peaceful week and a half… But I work at the post office so I’ve learned to expect the unexpected :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Word. I worked at USPS as a casual in about 1998-1999 or so sorting, doing flats and gross, and stuff.

That was a literal quote from one of our trainers: " The only thing constant is change."

Well, not in those exact words, but you know, kind of one of those proverbs.

AT WORK today earlier, I kind of regretted not giving my gal Jen more of a compliment on her outfit. I said, “Hey, is that a dress?” She said, “Well, kind of, it’s a shirt-dress!” Me: OK!

I should have said what was true, which is “Hey, that looks pretty foxy on you!” Which it did.

No, she’s married with kids and we’ve been working together about five years, but it would have made her feel good, pretty sure. She’s self-conscious at times about cellulite and so on, and she’s a friend, who knows damned well all about my dalliances. Missed opportunity to make somebody feel good, but that’s OK.


No-no… no-no… No quite day today.
My coworker is all pissed off about the redneck senior custodian doing pressure washing at another post office instead of doing his job at our office.
Then she goes on a rant about the restructuring going on at the plant in Charlotte being moved to a new super center in Gastonia NC and the possibility of consolidation of regional post offices into that new facility as soon as the end of this year or beginning of next year. This may or may not affect us so I’m not stressing over it but she’s already having a conniption about it thinking we’re going to be transferred there… :roll_eyes:
Just go on your vacation already!

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The ‘Trash Bandit’ has struck again in the postal lobby the last 2 mornings :open_mouth:
Takes the trash cans under the island counters and dumps them into 1 trash can and leaves the trash doors open. Also noticed there’s a strong smell of colone (Ralph Lauren polo maybe) in the lobby each time the ‘Trash Bandit’ visits.
This is one of the strangest things I’ve ever come across at work :person_shrugging:

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I saw a box of luggage shipped that’s a brand by some former model. For some reason, she won’t shut up about her dad and Golan Globus.

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The sarcasm becomes stronger each day with me, over the radio.

But this time with a “kicky” MST3K added bonus!

"OK, so the driver picked up cx76, so good job. Still need a parking spot for cx61 and cx74. Never mind, the DSP is doing your job for you, so congratulations.

All right, all routes are out, finally, to the launchpad, so you can play around with your little empty carts without being a danger to yourself and others."

No, not kidding. That goes out by me over the two-way radio.

And as a bonus, I got to sing The Song to myself at times…c’mon, you all know the words…always like tunes by Sally Strothers, etc.

But, you know what? I asked multiple people if I crossed the line and I got thumbs up. Worthless dirtbags would drown in the rain unless they learned to breathe through their noses. Or use various apparatūs to prevent calamity.


On the good hand, this DSP lead I despise (and feeling is mutual) and I got to “bond” over my team’s ineptness while she was doing what we’re supposed to be doing, while I was trying my best to get the routes out to her drivers, almost single-handedly.

And just last week I used the megaphone to say to her: “Thank you very much T______ for using the crosswalk and not crossing the drivelane! I really appreciate that!”

We bonded through adversity. Probably a proverb about that or something.

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Quiet for the day after a holiday :open_mouth:
My coworker is on vacation all week so I can work at my own peaceful pace :relieved: