What's Going On at Work?

Well, pretty good. Our new mgr is 20 years retired from USAF as SMsgt, and he’s OK. He knows how to lead people in a general way, has been with “the company” for a while. He’s pretty green as far as how we roll in our department, especially in terms of by-the-book SOP and “Standard Work” and all that, but as long as he sticks by the book, he’ll be OK.

About 80% of our new hires, even the good ones, we had on since xmas “season” (Advent, really, at best), still have barely caught on, so I suppose that’s average.

But, I’ll give him propers (as well as the dude who had his current shift, who is training him, sort of hands-off, while he ascends to…what’s that movie…whatever…into Operations) for not giving me shtuff when I actually said some really sarcastic stuff over the 2-way about an unnamed contracted company. Man, that person…main stick over at that … company … she was hovering like a flesh golem.

Heck with it, I made the right call, and they (barely) made it out on time. 22 minute load out, not bad for them, even with the mishegas about our stock company of idiots hampering efforts at every step.

He doesn’t know about the subliminal cues and the habits of each company, but he’ll learn soon enough. It is hilarious when he tried to assert his authority, though. We did let the previous company lollygag a bit, but he didn’t know that the next one would never be in on time, and that total load-out, and his metrics, don’t actually relate to the kind of performance and accuracy we need.

Oh, but most importantly, my gal actually finished my sentence with the word “bank” when we were joking about if this other gal was there today, one of the drivers. Yes, everyone knows about whatever, and it is actually a pretty funny joke.

Dammit, she actually said out loud what I was thinking but decided not to say? Tcheh.

I think everything’s going to mellow out in about a month: some major major major people came by two days ago, so we had been doing 5S type BS, like some poor sods had to retape various areas of the station and our custodial staff were whirling around like maniacs on those Zamboni-type floor buffers about every hour.

Also, ZOMG, for once I went by the break room during break, because there were supposed to be free pretzels. ZOMG, my team are incredibly lazy. Now I know what their problem is and why they’d be late to their own funerals.

No, I usually avoid that pit of heck when possible, but I don’t know what’s wrong with some of these people. That’s the reason we have to scan in/out for coffee breaks, and that’s the reason we get fifteen instead of twenty with a nod and a wink.

Unbelievable. Our team used to be “yeah, whatever, no mention needed,” and, nobody watching the clock. Now because of loudmouth and her short bus, everyone seems to have become reduced to her orbit. She’s intolerable. Dumb, loud, complains always, negative contributor to tasks, unpleasant, dogmatic, lazy, slow.

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Yup the illustrious postmaster is back and on a rampage…
She has a 40 minute pow wow about how our office is 2nd worst in the entire state of SC. Well, we’re all convinced that it’s her fault because of her apathetic managerial skills. She’s apparently pissed off the district managers so much that no amount of improvement is going to do any good.
Then rants that there are 14 gas cards missing… Um people have signed them out already for going on their mail routes :roll_eyes:
Sometime in April she’s supposed to go back out for knee surgery again. Nobody knows when exactly but we’re all keeping our ears open for any updates!

Talked to the senior clerk before I left for the day. He’s had knee problems for several years and finally found a doctor that wrote him out till retirement (which he’s determined to be in September, 2024 based on the amount of sick leave he’s accrued for nearly 40 years-a year and a half worth of sick time :open_mouth: )…
Of course the illustrious postmaster had no choice but to grant it as she’s tried to say it wasn’t as bad as he’s made it out to be… OH, so she’s a doctor too?? I wonder what part of her managerial training included medical diagnosis for employees :roll_eyes:
Well he’s earned it in my opinion, he started in 1985 and will finish out after 39 years so he can take it easy and stay off his knees as much as possible.

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The follow-up meeting to this nonsense today.

This F. Guy: “Oh hey, [Aquarius], I have an amazing original idea which has just occurred to me this minute. Should we put this thing back the way you did it in the first place?”

Me: “Yes. We should.”

(Repeat for 90 minutes/Approximately 200 things)

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Just my boss deciding to tell me on the whole team group chat that tidying up the counter area of the shop in the lull between clearing the previous days delivery, merchandising the front of shop area and receiving yesterdays delivery was “a massive waste of time”. Complete with a photo of nice, tidy and pleasant to work in counter area.

It’s also my day off, and yet I decided to email him something I’ve been working on and he didn’t even bother to acknowledge it.

So much for positive reinforcement I guess.


Wow. Just got done with about forty-five minutes of online “IT” chat support to get back onto my VPN from home.

That was a nice gal, and she reset everything, but why, exactly, did the fellas in the IT cage not verify this, when I explicitly asked, a week ago in person?

Yes, they assigned me a new yubikey, which is great, although wasn’t necesssary, but they can’t diagnose an issue with VPN access from home, and someone halfway around the world can actually make it happen?

You know, I’m not a high-tech mogul or nothing, but I do understand things about computers and some stuff like math and programs.

And that is why my next keyboard will be the ultimate in retro functional stuff once my old Yamaha falls apart.

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We went to transistors in portable audio because tubes tend to stop working when banged around, now they are putting them back in just as a gimmick on a $2000 keyboard. I’d be way more impressed with a breadboard and a bunch of old style metal can transistors behind that clear plastic.

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Just noticed that. Yeah, I guess they do have a little preamp circuit with a 12AX7 tube, with the fancy name of “Valve Resistor Circuit.” Meh, some people like to see the tube/valve glow, I guess…not a big deal, and I doubt it adds any real cost or complexity to the instrument. It’s only one tube, so when it dies, easy to pop in a new one. Or, yeah, probably just make a trivial little bypass mod with some kind of homespun Resist+Cap circuit, I guess.

Korg had the good sense to put the power transformer inside the instrument, at least, which for me is a big selling point, but unfortunately the only model with onboard speakers comes in a kind of garish cream/white housing, not the basic black. No, one probably wouldn’t use the speakers in any kind of performance situation, but for just at home woodshedding, that’s handy to not have to fire up amplifier/mixer and such just to plink around.

But to have outstanding electric piano (Rhodes, Wurlitzer…yes, I have the real Rhodes and a real Wurli at home…but they’re finicky to keep in top condition…although I do find the real Rhodes in particular pleasant-ish to play…but my Wurli needs some…attention, and probably empty an entire can of DeOxxit into its various crevices) and clavinet sounds onboard, with included usable effects, including wah/autowah, in addition to acoustic pianos, is irresistable. Should be able to be had for far less than two large, though. I’ve heard $1400 is a good target for shopping around.

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So yesterday the postmaster had me train a new PSE how to sort hold mail from trash mail the carriers bring back or cant delivery on their daily routes. Clearly having me cross crafts from maintenance to clerk work… I went ahead and did it anyway just because i was thrown to the wolves back when i started and only told what i was doing wrong after making mistakes.
We finally have a full staffing of PSEs to cover both post offices but the postmaster has all 3 of them at our office leaving none for the other office. The station manager at the other of was basically told by her that our office is more important than yours…
She has no respect for anyone subordinate than her :roll_eyes:

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What a joke. Jen and a few others will get a laugh when I tell them the reason we ourselves weren’t tasked with dispatching excess freight (at which we excel) was that the singlehanded motormouth, derpy little numbn…skull Cesar was coming in early.

That kid is a joke. I’ve never seen him do one thing well, ever. Not one thing. And yet I have a very vivid memory of the endless stream of bullpucky that emerges from his tiny little esophogeal orifice.

It might be time to practice my technique at giving the old swirly-whirly a try. I’m sure I could succeed with very little effort.

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(Scene: my workplace, Monday morning, 8:01am EDT. Action!)

IT Checker: “There’s a split error on this invoice! The charges don’t add up!!”

Me: “So they don’t. Hmm.” taps on keys for 20 seconds “Ah, looks like two numbers were transposed. Here are the correct charges.”

IT: “But it was a mistake! Who split that? How do we keep it from happening again?”

Me: “We already hand check all the split add-ups…this one just slipped through. It’s fixed now.”

IT: “You don’t seem concerned about this. This can’t happen!”

Me: “We do tens of thousands of invoices a month. We’re human. Errors occasionally happen. That’s why we have two checkers. The error was caught and repaired…the system worked. I’m not going to freak out unless it starts happening a LOT more.”


blinking trailer park boys GIF

(And CUT!!)

How’s your morning going?


One senior clerk called out so the next senior clerk opens up the post office and doesn’t turn on all the lights. Then she goes about her normal routine of sorting mail. She’s been with the post office 18 years and has not sped up her daily routine. The senior PSE always shows up late, like 30 minutes to over an hour every single day. She’s a great worker but this is her biggest problem. Their moto is I don’t worry cause I’m in no hurry :man_facepalming:
So here comes the illustrious postmaster on a tear… Why is it taking so long to get started in the morning? Why is it taking so long to get the mail and packages sorted? Welp I can see her frustration but her toxic attitude doesn’t inspire us to go out of our way for you.
And another manic Monday ensues…

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But… but… someone has to be punished! Heads must roll! Things fall apart… the falcon cannot hear the falconer…

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But I exist to panic at the least little thing. I can’t function without manufactured crises!

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Two lads have quite due to our pay raise being less than what they wanted. Welp.

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I did that at a job i had 11-12 years ago…
The manager had bought a brand new Camaro but gave the shift leader a dollar raise and only gave me $0.60 raise. I gave him a 2 week notice shortly after and the shift leader quit a couple months later. We heard that manager got transferred later that year when production results had dropped substantially.


Coworker is out of her box today! Being overly bossy this morning because she’s going on her Easter vacation starting Thursday until next Wednesday. I’m off on Wednesdays so she wants to get all sorts of petty projects done today… She even volunteered me to hang some safety sign or banner that district sent and all postal employees must stand under in a group photo to send to them for proof that we received it and hung it :roll_eyes:
Only been here an hour and 15 minutes and I already want to go home!

On another note, the new supervisor that my coworker despised back in the day when she was a carrier, she’s actually not too bad. Even bought me breakfast this morning :+1:

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Alright, banner is up and moved some other signage that was hanging from the ceiling to the relocated designated areas…
This new banner says “Work Safely Today. Remember, someone expects you home tonight” yet the postmaster had us hang a “Now Hiring” banner on the chain link fence that totally obscures the oncoming traffic traveling on a busy street so you have to play Russian roulette trying to enter the road…
SAFETY 3RD!!! :man_facepalming:


Any co-worker who buys you food and/or drinks is alright with me (within reason).

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Agreed! :grin:

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Office thermostat reads 75 and it’s 78 outside. Feels like a sauna in here already.

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