What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

Okay you made reading that as irresistible as humanly possible :laughing:

Gripe: my dog licks the rug. Just lies there, licking, for ten, fifteen minutes. Makes a big wet spot. It can’t taste good. He’ll do the same to the blanket on the couch, which is even worse if you want to sit on the couch.

What is wrong with my dog??


I don’t know, but when you figure it out let me know cause mine does the same thing. LOL


How old is the dog?

Puppies will teethe on anything. (we had a dog that licked the walls)

And that’s the other possibility, there is some mineral (salt, dirt, whatever) in the carpet and the dog thinks it needs nutritionally.

Or he’s bored. :smiley:


Pretty sure boredom is the correct answer. He’s 3 and we struggle to keep him entertained. Darn pups just way too smart for our good. :roll_eyes::rofl:


THIS^^^ is pretty much what I do. I come here to share some laughs and try to ignore the toxicity going on in the world that I cannot control.


When I share some stuff that and some others find funny but some others don’t and it gets flagged (memes), it just seems to me they would rather focus on the negative aspects of that post rather than the comedy of it, it makes me feel like I’m falling out of touch or missing the boat somewhere, maybe because I look for things that make me laugh and I tend to spread that around to help others get away from the negative things that happen in daily life but unintentionally bring negativity with those posts. I dunno, but the flagging of some posts should have a second look IMHO :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


He’s about three, three and a half. All his bloodwork is always normal but maybe that’s because he’s making sure he gets his essential carpet nutrients.

Could be a boredom aspect to it, but if he’s truly bored he’s actually really good at making us do stuff with him. Maybe this is mid-level boredom that’s not worth that much effort.


I’ve never flagged a post. There have been two instances (pre-mods) where I reached out to Lesley or Ivan about a discussion that seemed to be getting out of hand. Otherwise, I tend to ignore the posts I don’t like. There are some members whose posts I generally don’t enjoy and I skim them instead of read.


I love everyone on this thread, but my current gripe is y’all really trying to get it locked again



I don’t have a hernia, but I resent that rain doesn’t seem to instantly cool things down in Wisconsin like it does in Idaho. Did none of y’all get the memo that a rainstorm moving through is supposed to drop the temperature by 20 degrees? I mean, really. This is very disappointing.


Cowboy Terminator doesn’t want cowboy politics

Hope that’s still ‘Family Friendly’ :zipper_mouth_face:


I’ve had more than one cat who liked to eat chunks of wool blanket. Apparently certain breeds are more prone to this than others. Thankfully, the current cat doesn’t do that. But he will eat grass, dirt, and leaves that we track into the house, and then… deposit the half-digested remains somewhere else in the house. The vet couldn’t find any mineral deficiencies or related problems. I think he just does it to remind us what bad housekeepers we are. :roll_eyes:


Where do they get a random paragraph with the word “politics” in it?" he wondered as he clicked the generate button. Do they just write a random paragraph or do they get it somewhere? At that moment he read the random paragraph and realized it was about random paragraphs with the word “politics” in them and his world would never be the same.

It wasn’t quite yet time to panic about politics. There was still time to salvage the situation. At least that is what she was telling himself. “Hmph,” he said, “pronoun trouble.” The reality was that it was time to panic and there wasn’t time to salvage the situation, but he continued to delude himself into believing there was, and also politics.

While political puppies can be great fun, they also can make big messes. 4-6 puppies can make a lot of puppy pee and poop. It’s a challenge to keep the puppies and the puppy pen clean, and politics too.

Doesn’t work here either.


Flags gone wild over here, I tells ya.


I wish I could draw better, I’m picturing a sexy flag in my mind, but I KNOW I won’t be able to translate that to paper or anything else. :sob: Anyway. Picture a sexy flag, that’s Flags Gone Wild 2022.


Amen and Thank You from the bottom of my heart on writing this.



I hear that a certain legendary big-haired accordionist had to live with a hernia for a number of years… Not sure if I believe it, though. You know how internet rumors are. :thinking:


If it’s the same one I’m thinking of, did you hear Daniel Radcliffe is going to play him?

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Is it a shaggy dog?