What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

Do you eat a s’mores as a meal though? Or do you have them as a dessert?

Do you not consider the choco taco a taco?


Do I eat S’mores as a meal or do people in general eat them as a meal? Because those are two very different questions.

But ok, you’ve got me with the choco taco.


Well, what I’m getting at is this: the type of person who would consider a s’more a meal rather than a dessert would consider marshmallows (and I’m presuming chocolate and graham crackers if we’re talking s’mores) an appropriate taco filling.

I should’ve started there.


Ok, spicy tuna sushi roll inside a tortilla. Taco?

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I mean, arguably the sushi roll itself is already a taco (but this is getting into taco/sandwich discourse).

That said, if you were to disassemble the sushi and put the fish, veggies, rice, and seaweed into a taco, then why not?


Once a year, I make corned beef tacos.




I tried a Reuben egg roll once, and I guess it was all right but my mind really didn’t know how to cope with that particular combination of cultures. :dizzy_face:

I think going to bars but no longer consuming much booze is the main culprit here.


My daughter is asking for a birthday party. Fine. She wants her classmates there. Fine. But her birthday is two days before school starts and we won’t know her classmates until then. She wants an immediate party that’s “fun” (no suggestions other than that). I refuse to be the parent who gives no notice for a party. She’s not happy having to wait a few weeks and is shooting down my limited number of options around here. :woman_facepalming:t3: I give up.

Also, the recent posts have made me hungry, and I’m getting a quesadilla and margarita for dinner, but it’s not coming for a while. Cue pout


Just get a margadilla. It saves time.


In my family, we were only allowed one birthday party at age 8. We might get to have a sleepover or something, but no more parties than one. Of course, I have 7 siblings and my mom knew it would be too hard to do it every year for every kid.


Lots of food love here, not enough griping! Air fryers are my gripe for today. These things popped up like weeds a few years ago and are apparently riding a wave of popularity. Do people no longer pay attention to what things actually are? It’s an oven. With a little fan added. And wi-fi and an app, because of course it has. Otherwise known as “still an oven,” used to be called a toaster oven. Calling it an “air fryer” is like referring to walking as “air swimming.”

My SO uses one a lot, and has tried to get me on board, but so far everything I would cook in it becomes much more complicated. Cook at 450 for 5 minutes, then turn it over, cook at 400 for 15 minutes, then flip once more.

Or I can just pop it in a regular oven at 400 for 40 minutes and walk away instead of having to stand there and babysit it for 25 minutes.


It’s her last year in elementary school, so I’m willing to make an effort. She’s only had minor things with neighborhood friends recently because of covid. I tried a couple mid-year half-birthday parties, but those weren’t well attended because it wasn’t her real birthday. :woman_shrugging:t3:


It’s a convection toaster oven. It beats heating up a regular oven and the whole kitchen in the summertime when you want to bake something. Most ovens have a broiler for such quick cooking, but ours broke, and I haven’t attended the Youtube University crash course on repairing it.


Pizza Rolls!
That’s what I’m eating cause I can’t have tacos :sob:


And I’ll gripe about your gripe! I love my air fryer and use it for a LOT. I don’t have to spend 10min pre-heating my oven and stuff. It crisps up tofu, my arancini, and hash browns all perfectly. And sometimes I already have something in the oven; divide and conquer! And it doesn’t turn my kitchen into a sweat box.

But I will concede that there are some things that just shouldn’t be stuck in there. Just need the room a full oven can provide!


Baked Potatoes!


Done it…works pretty well, though the potatoes do need to be rolled pretty regularly.

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I may just have to give this a try then…

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Fair enough! I do like that they heat up quickly, and in the long run use less electricity than a big oven. I guess my patience/interest in cooking is the deciding factor. For me, cooking is like doing laundry or washing dishes – it’s necessary work and I certainly do it, but it’s not fun. I want to get it done and get on with things. While the cook times are shorter, I’m not a fan of the attention it requires. Otherwise known as a “lazy bum” I think.