What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

Extremely selfish people like this do not deserve birthday parties.

Oh, we forgot the cake? Was THROWING YOU A PARTY not good enough for you?


Agreed. The self-entitlement of some people is astounding to me.
I would more than likely send my regards next time.


This isn’t exactly a gripe, it kind of is, but in the middle of the night before last, the dog got up out of bed, ran out the dog door and started barking her head off. After a minute or so, I got up and went outside to see what she was barking at and heard the most terrifying screaming/screeching noise from up in the trees and my dog going crazy. And then suddenly I really had to go right away, so I’m out there relieving myself against a tree while the screaming is going on, thinking the banshee is going to come down and get me at any minute, and then suddenly, over my head, flies a gigantic owl! I don’t know what happened, but my dog really ticked it off. I finally got the dog calmed down and went inside. Took forever to get back to sleep.

Good thing you didn’t whizz on an electric fence or that could have been you screeching like a banshee :exploding_head:


I’m one of those unfortunates to whom cilantro tastes like soap. Eff cilantro.

If you’ve never heard a fisher murdering a bunny in the middle of the night, you’re missing some chilling creepy stuff.

It’s even more chilling than inspecting the scene in daylight, which is a gore fest. You’d swear it was performed with enthusiastic hatred.


My wife hates cilantro too. I don’t love it, but I’m fine with it. So weird how it is apparently a genetic thing.

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Oh, also, my dog once ate an entire nest of baby bunnies. Just slurped them up like spaghetti. It was awful.

She’s evil.

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My late wife used to make a lot of her Mexican dishes with cilantro and it wasn’t to bad but of course a lot of her spicy meals were too spicy for me. :hot_face:




I keep being hungry but nothing sounds appetizing. I may or may not be in some kind of severe depression. It’s been a hard few months and doesn’t really seem to be getting any better.


I would have guessed raccoon. We woke up one night to what sounded like a battle royale going on in the backyard. It went on for several minutes then stopped. Checked the security camera the next day, found out a mother raccoon and her three young were confronted by another raccoon. Mama was not happy, the two adults got into it while the three young were trying to climb one of the trees. Mama chased off the interloper and wandered off with her kids.

Oh and this is not in the middle of nowhere. We live in a subdivision!


We also live in a subdivision, but it’s just outside of town, so there are woods and fields nearby. I know what a raccoon sounds like. This was ungodly horror.

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Any idea what sort of owl it was? Not sure what part of the world you are in. I’ve got Great-horned owls here. I love listening to them chatter at each other at night. But they don’t yell so to speak. We’ve also got hawks and eagles around. I’ve spotted coyotes and foxes too. And yet my yard still manages to support three rabbits per year. LOL!


You do know what part of the world I’m in. I’m not too far from you. I’m not sure what owl it was, I’ve been YouTubing and haven’t found the right one, but apparently they have alarm calls, so it was an angry one.


First of all, fist bump, because you truly have had a rough ride these past few months. And secondly, I’ve been kicking around this idea for a minute and you’ve inspired me to go ahead and start a Mental Health thread, so come on over if you want to talk.


Owls are stone killers.:rage:


:thinking: Maybe there’s some post-partum depression happening…?


I live in Los Angeles. We ended up with a batch of puppies ('cause we’re dumb) and they’re old enough to wander around now, and we decided we need to keep them inside at night. We have raccoons, possums (one wanted to move in with last year), skunks, coyotes (though not in the back yard at least), and assorted other vermin.

We actually lost a couple of turtles to late night predators.

I may not have followed the description perfectly but I don’t think the woman who had the tantrum was the one with the baby.


Whatever squirrel or mouse or something is scratching inside or perhaps outside of my home office walls is very irritating.

There’s plenty of D-Con to eat! Stupid animals. Eat it!

Never mind the plentiful human food strewn about the floor of my office! Eat the D-Con! It’s delicious!

It’s a delicacy, dammit!

I connected the dots, and every time my SIL has had a meltdown, she’s been drinking for a bit. My BIL (not her husband, but her and my husband’s brother) said years ago he thought she was an alcoholic. My husband asked her kid’s father, and he brushed it off, likely because she’s extremely functional. That, plus last night, when my husband took the niece to the ballgame, she said at one point, “Drunk people are scary.” He asked her to elaborate, but she wouldn’t. It just made my husband and I wonder…