What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

I know I don’t like Big Macs, but sometimes I have to get one anyway. To remind myself why I don’t like Big Macs.


Who doesn’t like a nice hamburger sandwich with a French fried potato garnish?


Oh, I love a nice hamburger sandwich with a french fried potato garnish, but I wouldn’t describe a Big Mac as a nice hamburger sandwich and the french fried potato garnish is middling at best.


And the thing is, when you’re on this diet and you’re doing well… if you’re going to break it, you damn well better break it for something glorious. Not a freakin’ Big Mac!

I’ve cut out red meat and cut down my salt intake so much that I’m just not use to the flavor of it anymore, the salt was overwhelming and the meat… was that meat? It was really gross, and I had to throw it out after I ate half of it.

Should of had the orange.


I feel ya there…Seems like when cats do get sick it’s ridiculous stuff. After returning to the vet he said my kitten’s infection was gone but that she has cysts in her ears that will make her prone to getting them. So she’ll need a daily medicated ear flush for the rest of her life. (I think I’m slowly getting her to tolerate it…) And I’m almost positive she’s got some other issue going on cuz she has a sort of cough or something, but I don’t have the money to get it taken care of right now so as long as she seems otherwise normal I just have to hope it’s not indicative of something terrible. She’s not even spayed yet and that’ll be another fun bill…:sweat_smile:

I recently learned though that yeast and bacterial ear infections aren’t common for cats and could indicate an underlying health problem. Hopefully your boy’s stays away for good and that’s all it was :+1:


It’s not actually my problem, but what is wrong with people?

One of my good friends was scammed. She’s been struggling to make ends meet and she was job searching. She used legitimate job sites. She was careful. Not enough. A person contacted her using the name of a legitimate company AND a legitimate employee within that company. They got her personal information. They even sent her a fake check to supposedly purchase the equipment she’d need! That was how she discovered it was a scam. She is crushed right now. She not only doesn’t have a job and so is still struggling, but she had to freeze her credit and she’s called the police (for all that they can do). She feels terrible and stupid and a little overwhelmed by it all.

What kind of horrible person does something like this? There is no excuse. There is no justification. What a stinking, horrible person.


I’m so sorry for your friend. Sometimes it feels like life is just piling on.


These creeps are everywhere. You want to get a job, buy a used bike, adopt a stray dog or cat? There’s always some jaggoff ready to pull this kind of stunt and take advantage of your need for an income or your desire to do something nice. Someone tried it with me when I was job-hunting ten years ago. It’s not her fault.


So sorry to hear that… it can be such a rotten world with these rotten people sometimes, and you have to live a life on constant alert because of them.

I was thinking about this today, when I found a bill in the mail, then later, an email saying I need to pay said bill… “but don’t I do automatic payment?” I thought. Immediately I start to worry, what if this is a scam, or what I paid was a scam? So, I check and recheck to be sure. It’s just sad.

My heart goes out to your friend, it’s awful to go through that, especially at time when she’s struggling.


You’re an excellent cat-parent. Sekhmet will reward you. :paw_prints:

When we still had Butterscotch the Evil, she would get the ear-crap all the time. She also had allergies to both fleas and flea meds… all kinds of things. But we still loved her. She’d been the runt of her litter and wouldn’t have lived if her whole family wasn’t caught when she was a baby. She made it to 12, which is pretty good considering her early life as just a round fluffy head with a spindly stick body.

As for El Sid, he got a UTI when he was barely two, and so has been eating “old man cat food” pretty much his whole life. The big doofus.


I had a good gripe that I wanted to share, but I haven’t slept properly all year due to side effects of a new medication I’m trying, and now I can’t remember what it is I wanted to gripe about.




My mom (72) has finally caught COVID. She’s in reasonable health, but my stepdad is 82 and has Alzheimer’s (and AFAIK still negative). So… that’s a whole thing.


Power’s out at home.


Currently claiming it won’t be back on until tomorrow.



Is this weather-related or you mentioned something about construction? Have these people never heard the phrase “call before you dig”?


Not weather…it’s in the mid-60s and partly sunny here. They’re putting up a huge new apartment complex at the end of the main road that my road spawns off of (it’s one of 14 new “luxury” complexes they’ve constructed in my town in the last 18 months), and I suspect that has something to do with the monthly power outages we’ve been having.

Which are now apparently going to become weekly/daily outages. Ugh.


Time to start complaining to the city and /or the utility commission.


Speaking of my cat and how she needs to get fixed…I call her a kitten but she’s not really, she’s nine months old and just really small. Old enough that she goes into heat, and she’s been in heat for a few days now and it is soooooo annoying. She caterwauls incessantly and switches between demanding my attention to the point of being obnoxious or else randomly deciding she hates me and trying to literally bite my face off. Whhomen.


I tried to go to the pub, and the brakes in the car gave out.


Insurance company says I can use my Roadside Assistance coverage. I go through the online process to set it up. Then agent calls back and say I’ve reached my limit for calls within a twelve month period, and I could lose coverage until September. Maybe I canceled the service in time.