You can get the rights to ONE missing episode. Which one?

@MichaelRobertson I’m not sure were you got your list, but you might want to update it. The following episodes are currently available for purchase:

FYI, here’s my “Master List” of all episodes, filtered down to the ones that Shout Factory/Alternaversal doesn’t currently have the rights to sell in any form. As far as I’m aware, it’s accurate (let me know if anything is wrong!):

As you can see, aside from 0K00 which was never released, and 0K03 which is the final lost episode, I have access to them all, in one form or another at least.

EDIT: UGH, that was a pain to have to replace all of those links that contained “X X X” with a link… I’m gonna go complain about it in the appropriate place to complain about the forums… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: