A thread for D&D nonsense 🐉 ⚔

Shadiversity has neat videos about medieval fantasy and medieval history…and both!

This one looks at how realistic would a fantasy style adventure be in a Medieval European setting.

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That would have been a more complicated list back in the days of 1st edition.


Here’s another Kickstarter.

I could totally see the bots playing this to Joel or Jonah’s confusion.

Crow: “My Cobb Salad gets ready to cast magic missile!”
Tom: “My deliciously prepared Nudelgratin rogue gets ready to backstab when she has advantage.”
Crow: “Your German Mac & Cheese is a girl?”


There’s quite a bit of hub-bub about the new OGL from WotC. In short- people hate it.


That’s why I only play the older games.


The original license was explicitly a perpetual one. WotC doesn’t have the legal ability to terminate it. Of course, it refers to an edition of the game that was discontinued 15 years ago. You can’t make open content based on 5th edition D&D, but systems like Pathfinder are safe.


I prefer DND 3.0/3.5 as well as Pathfinder 1st Edition. The newer 5.0 DND just doesn’t appeal to me.


That may in fact be true, BUT that’s the kind of thing that would ultimately need to be decided in court. And Hasbro/ WotC has lots of money to throw at lawyers, whereas most 3rd party content creators do not.


Sections 4 and 9:

“4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use the Open Game Content.”

“9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.”

Doesn’t seem like the lawyers would have much to do.

This means that people choosing to use the 1.1 license will be much more restricted but, if they follow those restrictions, they can use the 5th edition material that is the current version of the game. Those who use 1.0 (such as Pathfinder) have to stick with derivatives of the 3rd edition rules, and since they can’t use any of WotC’s “product identity” (such as any of the settings, some original monsters, etc.) it wouldn’t really be in the direct competition with 5th edition anyway.


As someone who started playing in 1983 in both the original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Basic Dungeons & Dragons…the new D&D systems are just horrible; the monetization makes them even more so.

We played the Basic system at lunch, at school, almost everyday. I lived down the street from a place called “Things for Thinkers”, which was for a very long time the best and only place to get role playing games. I could literally spend hours there; reading all the different systems and checking out new games. It’s where I found Villains and Vigilantes, Paranoia, Champions, Twilight 2000, Traveler and all the Steve Jackson games (O.G.R.E., Car Wars, Toon, etc.)

Since, I’m most interested in playing/ running a Mausritter game…

Cat GIF by sheepfilms


I started playing circa 1978, right when the 1st edition books came out (though I started with the “blue box” basic rules). 3rd edition/Pathfinder is overall my favorite iteration of the game… I switched to PF when that 4th edition abomination came out.

But I was quite happy with basic, 1st and 2nd edition as well. 5th edition is WAY better than 4th, but not good enough to lure me away from 3E/PF.


Never played 1e, loved 2e. Had absolutely no desire for 3e, but that was more because of setting/ cosmology changes than system. (“No Planescape? To heck with that!”) Ditto with 4e. It was 3rd party content that got me really interested in 5e, mainly Tale Of Arcana and offerings from Mage Hand Press (aka “The Middle Finger Of Vecna”, and I’d imagine that right now, a LOT of indy RPG designers want to give something like that to WotC).


For me the best thing about 3e was the skills and feats system. The old “non weapon proficiencies” system from 2e never really cut it. I also thought the 3e combat system was an improvement over THAC0, mainly because it allowed for more attacks as you advanced in level.

My ideal system would probably be a frankenstein affair taking good stuff from all the first 3 editions.


Kind of a cross-post, but I just saw this !

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For obv reasons, no chance to make use of them as of yet, but have loved picking up this group’s last few KS releases… they’re basically minting their own money with every KS now, and the work is great…


That looks cool, and another reason to order some paints, finishes and washes !

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Paizo (Pathfinder) has announced that they’re making their own Open License. How badly did Hasbro and WotC screw up that people are now rooting for Paizo?

And our own Kinga Forrester is siding with the independent content creators.


Why would people not be rooting for Paizo? I have been ever since the introduction of Pathfinder.

Their website is very difficult to access right now, probably because of a horde of traffic, but Paizo just made a blog post stating that they are willing to go to court to enforce the fact that the original OGL is irrevocable.