Any fans of Tabletop RPGs?

So I checked out Darths & Droids after you recommended it here on May 20. Today, I got to current.

That’s 2,332 regular comics and 234 bonus comics for the treatment of Solo in under two months.


There was an actual D&D in space game called Dragonstar. Unfortunately, it was for D&D 3rd edition. Not 3.5, 3rd. :flushed:

This meant it kinda died when 3.5 came out. But it really was D&D in space. You could play a full-on wizard or a power armor-wearing space marine. FTL drives run by magic. A galactic empire run by dragons. Long swords and laser guns.

Also, if anybody does want to try out the old West End Games Star Wars, there is a free version available called the “Revised, Expanded, Updated” version. I won’t link it here, but a simple search will turn it up. It’s a complete version of the game with all the improvements and a bunch of the newer material included.

And if you search further, you can find all the old West End products available around due to the company being gone. And that’s a shame.

edited to fix misspellings. I really need to start wearing my cheaters when typing.



I’ve spent the past several days coming up with characters inspired by the Legion Of Superheroes for the Mutants & Masterminds game. In their main setting of Earth-Prime, there’s the Freedom Legion of the 26th century. So far I’ve come up with Ms. Magus (a shapeshifting magic user, loosely based on Miss Martian), Sun Sobek (Beta Ray Bill), and am currently working on Super Junior, The Galaxy’s Greatest Luchador (roughly analogous to DC’s Karate Kid).


I used to have fun playing with the random character generator in M&M and Icons, turning a weird jumble of powers into a workable character. More of a writing exercise than a game, really.


Admittedly M&M’s generator (at least assuming we’re talking 3e) is a lot more well designed than others, in that it figures in broad types and then, once you roll from there, narrows things down. Whereas random tables in other games are going to be REALLY random. “You have precognition, the power to remove your own arms, and heat vision. Also, you’re a jellyfish.”


I wish I could find the post about the person with the power to detect themself.





Random tables, that’s how.


Speaking of, M&M has some GREAT random tables, my favorite being the “Plot Twist Generator” from Hero High 2e. The street vendor generator from Danger Zones is also good, if for no other reason than one of the results is a vendor selling, and I quote, “unmentionables”. Because apparently this book was written by Mayberry’s Aunt Bea.


If anyone wants to see what I’ve come up with so far, you can check them out right here.


Posting this for the gamers!



I’ve been wanting to try the 3rd edition module “Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil”.

Set some years after the original module, the Temple of Elemental Evil has been crushed twice before…but like most bad guys, they don’t stay beaten. The temple agents are looking to restore their stronghold AND bring an evil god into the world to destroy everything! That’s where you come in…you have to start in the peaceful village of Hommelet (peace is overrated), work your way to the moathouse, the ruins of the original temple, the abandoned & haunted village of Nulb, the Crater Ridge Mines and last to the restored temple for the final battle.

This is a whole campaign meant to take a party from 4th level to 14th level. The book itself even says that this is long term and will take months to finish! In fact, the Crater Ridge Mines is about 300 different areas; it has led players to simply quit out of boredom if not mutiny against their DM.

While I want to try playing this, the sheer size does overwhelm me.


I’ve been fooling around with some AI art generators to try and get pictures for the characters I’ve come up with (Craiyon is terrible, Lexxica is great but you only get 4 prompts before you need to sub, Playground AI is pretty good).

Ms. Magus

Super Junior

Oh, and here’s the character I’m going to try and stat up tonight. You know how sometimes, you have to try prompt after prompt to get an AI art program to get something even close to what you want, and sometimes, it just absolutely nails what you want, even if you didn’t know it’s what you wanted, on the very first time? This is an example of nailing it.


*mashes face into keyboard* Okaaaaaaaaay, so I need an equivalent to Owlbear Rodeo.

They just did an update that feels less useful than the service that was originally provided!


Mycelia, you’re breakin’ my heart…


Alright, went ahead and statted her up.


Working on another character. Haven’t quite gotten a picture I’m totally happy with, but here’s the gist-

This character is TOTALLY not an attempt to pander to any particular fandom.

All hail The White Dot!


A few months back at an RPG forum I frequent, we had an unusual character design challenge. A poster stated that his wife had become interested in trying out the Rifts setting as implemented with the Savage Worlds ruleset. In particular, she was keen on trying out the New West region and playing an elven cowgirl character. Specifically, a nude elven cowgirl.

This was a tricky one to realize. Most RPG rulesets don’t subscribe to the Armor is Useless trope. This goes double with Rifts, where it’s more that you’re useless without armor. In fact, in the original Palladium ruleset, a non-MDC being (which includes elves) going into a dangerous situation unarmored is effectively committing suicide, barring spectacularly dumb luck. Even in the more forgiving Savage Worlds rules, going unarmored is still a bad idea. So how can our buckaroo in the buff be made into a feasible character who wouldn’t be at great risk of being reduced to chunky salsa whenever someone slapped leather?

After considerable spitballing, we came up with the society she comes from, which can be described as Lothlórien with a ranching culture and Barsoomian fashion sense. This particular subset of elves has the innate ability to project a personal protective aura. This is implemented by taking the Elf racial package from the Savage Rifts: Arcana & Mysticism book and adding to it the Arcane Background (Gifted) Edge with starting powers of environmental protection (what it says on the tin) and protection (provides armor points), with both having the Range (Self) Limitation. As a counterbalance, these elves are incapable of taking cyberware and the aura is sensitive to the presence of significant body coverings, which results in psychic feedback realized through the Distracted Condition (-2 on all Traits rolls) whenever more than the traditional equipment harness is worn.


I think trying to do actual cowgirl things in the nude would be a lot less sexy and more painful than it sounds.

Tell her to go with boots and daisy dukes, and maybe a sexy checkered tie-top. She’ll be glad she did.


At the very least, you’ll want sturdy, sensible footwear out in the desert.