He did mention none of it was done with wires, and he was directed to act like he was swimming in the air to make the scenes more dynamic.

Hi Y’all I’m looking for the replay and can’t seem to find it… am I to early ? Is it gonna be up tomorrow?

Give it a couple of hours.

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Yeah, I mean, he agreed to sit for an interview, I’m sure he’s not that upset about what happened. I think it’s fair to be honest and say, yeah, it wasn’t exactly an experience that he wanted.

I don’t read arrogance or being a bad sport off of him, if anything he’s a champ for not really being into the show but coming in to say a few words for us anyway.


If I understand it correctly, this was not an interview given as an extra on the Shout Factory release of the MST episode. It was an interview extra on the DVD release of Pumaman with a mention of the MST episode near the end.

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Aha! That is a different context.

Shout Factory was where I saw it, and they have their own little bumpers in there, it looks like. Or Ballyhoo’s. Wait. Is that where most of the S.F. extras originate? DVD releases of the unriffed films?

:dizzy_face: Ah-yi-ah-yi-ah-yi head-spinning sound goes here.

I had no idea. I’m a TERRIBLE fan!! :crying_cat_face:

That’s okay. I only listen to about three Metal songs a year, and two of them are covers of Gary Numan’s “Cars.”

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OK. So what episodes should they take the scalpel to next?

Angel’s Revenge could use a new coat of paint. Pod People would also look neat with a little touching up.


Any feelings toward the Soundgarden version of Devo’s “Girl U Want?”

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Some of the shorts could benefit from a lift: Circus on Ice for one.


I wonder if this surgical enhancement process is any more or less effective on b&w films.

Whenever I watch this one, I’m left with echoes of Bill saying “the pyoo MAY min,” and I wonder whether his full name is Murray T. Pyoomaymin, and whether he’s a Borough Park neighbor of Izzy Spidderman.

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They have to watch out when they do this, because in some episodes there were places where the riffers actually reacted to the badness of the print.

Or Devo’s version of Soundgarden’s version of Devo’s “Girl U Want.”

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Well, I noticed dust and scratches were still visible on the print of Pumaman last night so I don’t think this would be too much of an issue. The overall image quality is improved but things like the dust, scratches and jump cuts/missing frames can still give the impression of a bad print that would work with those types of jokes. Just my feelings on it!


Solution: surgically enhance everything in the movie, EXCEPT for the 4 second clip relevant to the riff.

… Honestly that would be pretty hysterical to have the quality drop JUST for a joke then pick back up. :thinking:


It would be like the remastered Star Trek TOS episodes where they give you a spectacular state of the art shot of the Enterprise in space, then cut to a shot of a stuntman in a rubber alien suit.


Yes, quality programming, that’s what I’m saying.

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Doctor Who, which is very much a pioneer in this sort of surgical enhancement (with videotape masters for a show with film exteriors and video interiors) has also added improved special effects for laser blasts etc.

Now, I’m a bit of a train enthusiast and during the scene where Pumaman goes down the side of the building, you can see a train going behind in the background. It’s clearly Italian - British trains of that period where generally blue and grey.