Early Onset Nostalgia

I make no attempt to follow every thread. I look to the top bar for two things:
New(#) - topic I’ve never seen before
Unread(#) - topics I’ve already engaged with that have new posts

Latest and Top, and whatever over the list on the right side is, I have nothing to do with. I check out New topics first, then I catch up on my following topics, then I’m done. If I lose interest in a following topic, I switch from Tracking to Normal.

I am familiar with the slew of new topics – often essentially the same topic twice, once with a MST3K twist and once without – and I echo everyone who’s said many of them are good prompts and I don’t wish to discourage anybody, but they could perhaps be spaced out a little more, give each new topic space to breathe. But for me, once I’ve seen the initial prompt under New, unless it’s something I care enough about to post on, I never look at it again.

I would be nice to see more older topics surface – the Wildlife photos is also a favorite of mine, along with Show Us Your Pets, and not just because I created the latter :smile: