How's the Business Side Looking?

I think they could sell a lot of cheaply made copies of Synthia’s mug.


Give her a new mug each season, or even every other month, we might have something for everyone, and lots for the collectors.


Or they could just market Tragic Moments figurines.

Personally, I would buy Dad’s Liquid Breakfast in a heartbeat.


While I understand the ultimate goal of the Gizmoplex is to be self-sustaining, and I will buy a subscription every year it is available, if the powers-that-decide they need a yearly Kickstarter drive to make it over the money hump, I’d be okay with that.
I don’t know how popular that is with the fandom, but I always throw Rifftrax some cash when they have a drive, I’d do the same for MST3K.


We just need one of the stretch goals to be a practical Hex Field Viewscreen.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Free Jackbox ticket link on points to $40K Gizmoplex pass

Good ole Beetlejuice marketing! We should just send a post that says " new season" 20 times to be safe


Don’t forget the power of merchandising! If MST3K were to offer a shirt for every episode, I would likely buy a shirt for every episode on top of my subscription fee. You could even do one of those shirt subscriptions like Venture Bros. always did when it was still on. There was talk early on about a concession stand in the Gizmoplex, and I’d absolutely buy some MST3K-Branded munchies to eat while watching Munchie. This kind of stuff is the reason I backed higher than the digital level, and it will work again.


Word of mouth is challenging to educate on a new platform in 280 characters but I did my best. Hope you MST3K principals will forgive the oversaturated Twitter tags!


I want Synthia’s Bonehead Mug.


We all want Synthia’s bonehead mug! It’s actually kinda weird how many people want it. Like we’re being made to want it for some reason.

Animated GIF


This is something that I think really needs to be embraced. The official MST3K online store sells… just shirts with the official moon logo, as well as occasional one-offs or limited items. Sometimes I check in to see if there’s something new and exciting, to no avail. Where is the merchandise? Where are the dozens of unique t-shirt designs for fans to snatch up? Put that Gizmoplex standee art on a t-shirt! This is a lost opportunity representing plenty of lost revenue.


If the Kickstarter rewards are any indication then the supply chain problems from the “unknown virus of unspecified origin” are probably making it tough to spin up a stock of merch. Maybe they’re working on it but have been slowed down by the recent problems and delays.

I would like to see a nice stock of different kinds of merch in the store at some point. MST merch is something we’d all like to have in variety. Some thoughts… I’d like to see ALL the DVD art available as posters in the store for example. T-shirts of course (tours, limited specials, et al). Blankets. Stickers. Pins. Patches. Jumpsuits. Even full official Bot kits.


I suspect one reason there isn’t a lot of merch is that … well that takes a lot of money to produce. Do you want merch or do you want new episodes? :slight_smile:


Merch is more of a long-term goal. They’ve done a good job of putting our money on the screen thus far, IMHO.

Besides, you gotta have merch before you can get swaaag.


If they go with Zazzle (like they have been), the merch is basically print on demand. They get a smaller profit that way, but they also don’t have to deal with storing it or having a staff member deal with mailing stuff out.

It’s a good way to offer a variety of stuff, and to get stuff up quick.


I’m still hoping the GizmoPlex will start offering an episode of the week deal, similar to what Rifftrax does. I would definitely expand my digital collection that way.


This is the answer to the supply chain problems. Print-on-demamd merchandise costs them nothing to produce, and they could offer a wide variety of designs for those who are looking to show their love for MST3K.


If they ever wanted to go public I would buy stock. Especially if the stock certificates contained limited edition artwork. I would plaster the den walls with them and never sell.
I know Joel and company have some rich friends (looking at you Jerry Seinfeld) and they could do some investing in this beloved franchise.

Barring that I would continue to subscribe and if Kickstarter is the only option for them to raise the money, I would go with that too.


Or bring back some classic designs. This was the only shirt I bought back in the day, but it’s too large to wear because I only learned how small I actually am less than a decade ago.

(I prefer designs that are references to things, rather than stating the things themselves. Case in point: this shirt does not mention MST3K anywhere. The right people will get it.)