Introduce yourselves here!

Howdy there, @Oliver_Langland, and welcome to the forums!

Hey, we’re honored to have ya here. Thank you very much for sharing your story and your time this-a-ways - cheers!


It’s okay, we’re all friends here. We know what it’s like to surrender yourself to riff addiction.


(…didn’t know there was an introductions thread. Oops.)

Hey! Peter from Seattle here. I grew up in Wisconsin, in a city whose cable service didn’t carry Comedy Central. I was lucky that my younger brother “circulated the tapes” so that my first MST3K episodes were “King Dinosaur”, “Godzilla vs Megalon” (still my favorite episode ever) and “Godzilla vs The Sea Monster”…which he shared with me in the summer of '91…and have been a fan ever since. Made the bad decision not to see the first ever MST3K live show in Minneapolis just before moving to Seattle…but have tried to make up for it since.

Saw the MST3K movie in the theater, bought the Colossal Episode Guide the day it was released, contributed to MST3K message groups on Prodigy. (Yes, I’m that old.)

I think I’ve seen every live tour, I got to take Joel’s Riff Camp (and got to riff a short film for the packed theater before Joel’s live show–and as someone who was a professional stand-up for 16 years, I still count that riffing experience as one of the best things I’ve ever done) and got to meet many of you in Phoenixville this year (and you’re all wonderful people for putting up with me. Let’s do it again every year!)

I’ve turned my thirteen year old into a MiSTie who comes with me to see the touring shows…and I feel like I’m losing my edge, to younger MiSTies who are coming up from behind.


Welcome! I am one of those younger MSTies.


I’m Demimonde Mesila Thraam. I was born in 1965. I began watching MST3K in 2007 when I watched the entire catalogue many times over to keep me sane after a truly traumatic breakup. In 2009, I wrote Joel a letter thanking him for saving my life with laughter, and telling him how much I identified with his persona since I’ve been a hippie type my whole life. I also begged Cinematic Titanic to riff a childhood favorite bad movie: Rattlers. I was stunned that this not only actually happened but when they performed live here in San Francisco, they chose the Rattlers show to do. I got to meet Hoel and the gang afterwards and I told him I was the person who had asked them to do this movie but I didn’t ask if I’d somehow influenced the decision. I like to think maybe I dif. But the important thing is that it happened at sll and that I got to meet a true hero of mine. Since then, I have enjoyed the return of MST3K in the Netflix and Gizmoplex iterations and if there’s a 14th season in the offing I will DEFINITELY support that financially. I was only able to do rentals this year but I think I can handle more substantial investment in my favorite show EVER in 2023.

Oh, I 'm a female, identify as non-binary, but not fussy about pronouns. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi there! Welcome aboard!

How neat is it that they riffed a movie you suggested…head canon is now that you definitely had something to do with it. :grin:

Isn’t it great that this wonderful show we all love is back and we’re all a part of it? Woot!


Welcome! You’re in good company here. MST3K has helped a lot of people through their tough times, glad they helped you. Very cool that you got to see Rattlers riffed live!


Welcome! It’s well-established hereabouts that MST3K is a balm for the soul and good medicine for the sick. We’re glad you’re here!


Welcome, is your ID a reference to that Switch Jimmy Smits running gag on MST3K?

That ain’t lemon.

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Underrated buddy comedy.

“Hablo Smith and Wesson? You have the right to remain DEAD. Anything you do will be used against you. You have the right to a coroner. If you cannot afford one, we will appoint a medical examiner for you.”



My Cooooooooooooke!

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Hello there, @Demimonde, and welcome to the forums! Thank you for joining us and for sharing your story with us.

MST3K has been something invaluable during trying times and difficult circumstances for so many of us, and I’m grateful to hear that the show has been of great aid and comfort to you as well.

Cheers, and all the best!


I had no idea there WAS a running gag involving the name Demimonde! And I have seen the eps more times than I could possibly count, how could I have missed it?

Thanks to everybody for the welcomes! It will be fun to be here. :grin:



First, my sincere apologies for not introducing myself before.

I have been a MSTie fan since my first ep somewhere in the 90s. Being from Australia, it was really hard to get access to Eps on a regular basis back then (we really did need those circulating tapes).
Bad movies, riffs (what my kids sometimes call Dad jokes) and Sci-Fi are my jam.

I have been in a few fandoms before (Star Trek in the early 70s, yes I am ancient) but this community still amazes me with its acceptance, inclusion and really bad puns.

Thanks to all cast, crew and fans for this thing called MST3K.


Welcome! Glad to see you around the Forums! I am absolutely digging how cool it is to have international MSTies get into a show that started only a couple hours away from where I live. I sometimes forget that it isn’t just a Midwest thing and I get tickled with each reminder how global it really is.


So on a scale of “The drummer in Rock n Roll Nightmare” to “The scav in Alien From LA”, just how incredibly Australian are you?