Knitting, crocheting and stuff

Gosh, no! I love seeing your work!


I just realized you called it a needle; I think that’s where you’re confused. Crochet uses a hook, not a needle. So what you do with two straight needles to weave the yarn together, I do with a single hook instead. Although differently… if that makes any sense.

My major issue these days is that the things I’m currently crocheting are so small that they’re difficult to hold onto and crochet into (I’m making the squares for the afghan for that cat couch I mentioned). It makes my fingers ache and I have to stop for a while to rest. Usually my problem is that the yarn sliding over my fingers as I crochet makes my skin a bit raw over time, so this is unusual for me. Any crochet people have any suggestions?


For the aching fingers, use a bigger hook or a looser tension. You’re putting strain on your joints when you crochet tightly.

For the rawness from the yarn - use softer yarn. Some cheap yarns are like sandpaper rubbing on your skin, but there are softer versions that aren’t that much more expensive.


I don’t use them for crocheting, but there are rubber finger guards out there. I use them for pushing a large needle through multiple layers of fabric when I’m tying my quilts.

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Next section of the ginormous cross stitch:





I’m almost done with my cat couch! Just finishing up the squares for the afghan and she’ll be ready to go!


Next elements:

P.S. thanks for posting @Brina :laughing: I’ll have to consolidate posts apparently. I get that the post limit is to keep people from spamming, but maybe there should be a time limit.


What about a big picture of the whole thing in one post and you change the picture out when there are new additions. People can use the orange pencil to see the progress. It doesn’t keep the thread on the active list, but at least you’ll avoid the limit.

Not being thought of as active is a problem with the monkey experiment, too, because most of the activity is people editing the wiki.


Next parts:

Jonah ended up looking like he came from Southpark.

Poor @timryder looks like he’s seen some sh*t. It gets kinda hard to control the expression when you make the pattern small.


Nice work! And cross-stitch can be like pixel art, sometimes the smaller pieces actually evoke more detail in the mind’s eye. Your Growler and Waverly are exemplary!

I think @timryder just realised you were capturing his likeness on No Pants Thursday, as we like to call our office Zoom meeting.


Thanks! I’m pretty proud of myself. I had to design all of it from scratch since there isn’t a lot of mst3k cross stitch out there. I only have 2 more elements to stitch and it will be finished. It’s my sister’s Christmas present so I’m trying to get it done.

P.S. Sorry Tim! I used a picture of him as a bonehead to design that part.


Will it have a starfield?


I’ve been debating that one. After my post this morning, I finally accepted my failure that I will not finish by Christmas. Luckily, my sisters bday is early January so I switched out presents so I have more time to work on it. I did a star field on the Star Wars one I did for my BIL. I guess now it just depends on if I can make the bday deadline and if I can still see straight.


That’s an accurate representation of a Bonehead’s expression. They’ve seen…a lot.

Great work! Really impressive!


You could always go for true authenticity and staple a strand of Christmas lights to it. :wink:


I finally finished my cat couch with afghan!


So this year I’ve got… about seven new projects I want to work on.

I’ll be making two amigurumis each for two of my nephews (that makes four), a shawl for my niece (five), a lap blanket for my sister and brother-in-law (six) and a ruana for a friend (seven). I’m also using some scrap yarn left over from the cat couch to make a scarf, and I started on a ruana for myself from some gorgeous cashmere yarn I bought a while back.

Am I being too ambitious? I feel like most of the projects will be relatively easy (the lap blanket is probably the exception because it uses stitches I’m not AS familiar with as the others), so I still think I could get them all done this year. But honestly I sort of feel like I’m trying to take on WAY too much. Thoughts?


Have you done amigurumis before? They seem to take time to master, but I’ve also seen experienced people turned out more than one in a single day. So I expect these could have either a big or a negligible impact on your timeline.

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I’ve done one. Technically. Not sure it qualifies exactly based on the pattern I used, but I made a Baby Yoda once. Reason I’m not sure is because rather than making the whole thing as one piece I made a front and back panel and crocheted the two of them together most of the way, then stuffed it full of Polyfil and finished crocheting it together. The good news is the amigurumi my nephews picked are all relatively small, I believe.

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