MST3K Season 13

Speaking of Growler… I think I have an unhealthy obsession over him.


I don’t recall this particular release schedule being announced. Assuming I just missed it, where was it made?


My memory was this was mentioned somewhere in the Kickstarter. That Joel said they wanted to drop an episode a month, but make it feel like a real event.

Does anyone remember more specifics on that?


I think with the live tour schedule being what it is, the three casts will be separate, at least as far as any physical interaction goes, apart from the previously announced triple host holiday extravaganza finale to the season.

I suppose it’s possible that Joel might show up in a guest spot in some of the Jonah or Emily hosted episodes, but my gut feeling is that’s unlikely as he seems wary of potentially overshadowing the new host teams.


I’m curious what the cast switch-ups are going to look like plot-wise.

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I got the same impression. Unfortunately the search mechanism on KS is abysmal, so I haven’t trawled up where it might have been mentioned. But I have been operating for a while on the presumption of episodes being trickled out rather than released in a binge-batch, so I must have read that somewhere.


I feel like if they have to trickle them out, then weekly is best. That’s just my personal opinion, though.


Thank you SandyFrank- I thought I was crazy- trying to search Kickstarter is just not user friendly in the least!


I save all Kickstarter update emails, so if you do too, try that

Right, but even within each other there’s still combinations to do
(Is three Emily, Jonah and Mads? Or are Jonah’s Crow, GPC, and Tom being treated separate from classic? Because if done right, however Emily is explained could extend that way…)

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I don’t, I have the email notification feature turned off. I just check KS to see what’s new.

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From backer update #2

After our first episode premieres, we’re aiming to premiere one new episode each month – so, each month of Gizmoplex Pass access gets you a ticket for another episode premiere, until we’ve premiered all of our new episodes.

Just to be explicit, that means…

  • A 3 MONTH PASS gets you tickets to the first THREE live premieres.
  • A 6 MONTH PASS gets you tickets to the first SIX live premieres.
  • A 9 MONTH PASS gets you tickets to the first NINE live premieres.
  • A 12 MONTH PASS gets you tickets to all TWELVE live premieres.

Now, we wound up with 13 episodes, right. My pledge package says I get to download season 13, and receive a 12-month pass. So how does that work?

Edit -

I’ll go ahead and @Lesley this question, for the next time she pops in - so how does 12 equal 13? My pledge includes a 12-month pass and a Season 13 download (which has 13 episodes?) curious how that’s going to work out.


Agreed, and I believe that interval was discussed as well. That would make it like a regular TV season. Monthly would take more than a year to release the 13 episodes.

If I recall correctly, there was also talk of the shorts being on a different release cycle. So maybe alternating weeks (movie-short-movie-short), or two releases per week?

EDIT: Was posting at the same time as @JakeGittes, so it does sound like we’re on a monthly release cycle.

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I believe that the plan is to release the new shorts in the spaces between the 13 episodes, so I think they’re aiming at a release every 2 weeks or so.


Update, it looks like the wording is slightly different on Kickstarter. It still indicates a new episode per month, but I don’t want to misquote, so here’s what Joel says

Once we have our first new episode finished, we’re planning to start holding live episode premiere events in The Gizmoplex once a month, until we’ve shared all of the new episodes the Kickstarter lets us make.

Each month of Gizmoplex Pass access gets you a ticket for another episode premiere, until we’ve premiered all of our new episodes (and, if things go well, our new shorts).


Thanks for posting this- you’re a king amongst men. :slight_smile:


I figure this season will have at least one Christmas movie episode. The real question is what movie?

For now, we don’t know. But it could be Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny, cause some of us know of how horrible it is!


Or that one Yeti movie that Rifftrax did that featured Meatloaf as the villain.
Edit: Wait, no. That’s not a Christmas movie. It just happened to feature a ski resort.


I actually have this very topic in another thread! :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I meant three different host “teams”: Jonah, Hampton, Baron, & Rebecca; Emily, Nate, Conor & Yvonne and Joel, J. Elvis and whoever will be performing his Crow and GPC.

From what’s been shared so far about the filming process, I think the three are going to be discreet units for the most part, but there may well be opportunities for mixing up the riffers in the holiday special.