Question on viewing habits...

Has anyone ever streamed the Twitch MST channel on their computer and had the MST Pluto tv channel on at the same time?

…Just asking…


I haven’t, but I will now.


Yes, and I’m not proud of it.


Not MST3K, because I like concentrating on one viewing at a time, but I have been known to do this with multiple soccer matches! :laughing:

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Give in to the dark side

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have also done this with different sports at the same time

I haven’t doubled up before, but I absolutely do turn on MST3k or RiffTrax for background noise when I’m cooking or mowing the lawn or working or whatever. Not always, but…y’know. Often.


Nope. I don’t want to have two episodes going at once. I often use the show as background when I’m working because I have a lot of work I do on a computer.

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