Recurring dreams?

sometimes I remember what I dream, and sometimes it’s like the dream is continuous…

Dreams I usually like. exploring an alternate world that is similar to our own, but different. getting to be in a long cancelled favorite TV show audience. having a paranormal team like ghost adventures investigate my house or office :).

dreams that are odd… Sometimes I’m a guest cast member of Home Improvement, or Star Trek Voyager. I go to a convention, but none of my short lived cast mates remember me. sometimes the HI ones do though.

My car gets constantly stolen at my grandmothers house. has never happened, but each time it does, I remember the previous ‘times’ and think ‘not again!’

Loosing my book bag at school, or forgetting what classes I had next. also, never happened, but it’s unnaturally unsettling :).


The teeth dream.

I am SO tired of the teeth dream.


And don’t get me started on the “I can’t remember the combo for the padlock” dream.


I don’t remember too many of my dreams, but I do have a couple of recurring ones. First is a common one- I lost my car in a parking lot and I can’t find it no matter where I look. The other one is that we have a bunch of different animals in various aquariums and I’ve forgotten to take care of them, but they’re all still alive anyway.

We don’t actually have any animals in aquariums, so I have no idea where that comes from.


Make it stop! I’ve actually programmed myself so that is a tooth breaks or falls out I remember that that usually happens in dreams and I try to wake up. It usually works.


I am a wildly vivid dreamer with an unusually good recall after I wake up; when I had to keep a dream journal for a psychology class, my instructor handed mine back with a raised eyebrow and an “Interesting.”

Since they’re so varied, I don’t have a lot of recurrences, but during the pandemic I often dream of being in a huge crowd of people, then suddenly realizing I don’t have a mask on. Then I would often wake up with my arm or blanket thrown across my face.

Another occasionally recurring thing is I will have to be typing something, like a text or a code, and I keep doing it wrong. I know this stems from my waking life; I have large hands and fingers, so typing a text, search, or whatnot on my iPhone always ends up with periods in random places, accidental spaces, and enough spelling errors to drive Autocorrect nuts. And since I am a stickler for good spelling and punctuation, this leads to agonizingly slow texting speeds from me. :woman_shrugging:


That is pretty readily interpreted as an anxiety dream, like @Shredder565’s car and bookbag, @LadyStarblade’s mask, and @optiMSTie’s teeth. I find that most of my unpleasant dreams, and those of others I’ve spoken to, are about anxieties that make the dreamer feel similar to anxieties they are having IRL. Sometimes, of course, they represent serious visceral fears (the damned teeth). I don’t know if the dreams are supposed to help: usually the anxiety from the dream haunts me for part of the next day. Then again, I have pretty bad PTSD, and I take a med to reduce the nightmares to manageable horror.

@LadyStarblade: I’m right there with you with the big hands and the small keys. And I do have nightmares about them very similar to yours.


There are always chairs in my dreams. What does that mean?


You like to sit.

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I had this serial dream where I was back in college and taking a course and was really blowing it. I never had my books, never studied, never had my homework ready. Sometimes I’d forgotten to show up until just the last 5 minutes. Every test was about something I forgot to study. The teacher and everyone in that class just hated my guts. Then I had a dream about taking the final, and never had another dream about it.

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That makes sense. I do obey Fonzie without hesitation.


And you had a dream about a successful career after graduation and now you’re dreaming about writing in a dreams thread? Spooky.


I dream about stores all the time. Different kinds of stores, but they always have books and media stuff prominently for sale. I often dream of bookstores, which go on and on for room after room.

Last night I dreamed I ran into Joan Jett at the store… she was there with a female friend with a spiky punk hairdo. I’d just bought a magazine with her on the cover and a concert DVD of her, so we chatted. She ended up falling asleep stretched out on the floor near the wall.

But yeah… I really enjoy the bookstore dreams, even though I can’t actually read any of it.


Y’all need more B-1.


Is re-curing dreams like curing bacon twice? Or more like finding the cure for smallpox again?

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B-1 is the cure for dreams, but it’s a water-soluble vitamin so you have to constantly re-cure them with more B-1.


So, like curing the hiccups, then?


All this curing talk I thought I was in Wales.

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My husband has the teeth dream, I’ve never had it. I wonder why that is.

We both get the “it’s finals week at college and I just realized I didn’t go to class all semester” dream, or a variation thereof. I get one where it’s only mid-quarter and I think I’ll try to get to enough classes to pass, but I can’t remember which classes I’m enrolled in or when or where they meet.

At least on the upside, after I wake up and remember that I’m in my 40s, it feels like I’ve graduated all over again! whew


Ugh, I’m sorry that he gets that. Be happy that YOU don’t have that dream.

Yeah, get that one (or some variation thereof) a lot.

For me, the variation I usually get is that I’m good to go in all of my classes, except for ONE that I’ve somehow forgotten and haven’t attended all semester.

What always happens is that when my dream self goes, “Hey, wait… I graduated a good chunk of time ago, I shouldn’t even be in this situation,” the dream goes POOF and ends. That sucks because I like sleep, and my subconscious self is somehow working against that. Go figure!