The Starfighters

Sure it’s bad editing and even worse writing, but if you squint hard enough you can follow Fu. He wants to freeze the oceans and thus control all humanity. He needs Heracles to help him with that, so he kidnaps the two doctors: in order to save Heracles long enough to get the info. It’s Smith’s job to try and stop all this. Oh, and Fu needs Omar Pasha’s cute moll to help him take over the Governor’s mansion because it’s a good beachhead (and also to help him get hold of the opium, which is a useful cash cow).

At the end of the day, this is way too much time-wise to pack into a mere film and still have it make sense. (Especially if you have no talent.) As Crow would say: it needs TV. (Well, not really. TV already has plenty of convoluted racist swill in its history. But you know what I mean.)