There’s a Patrick Swayze Christmas marathon happening now (Dec 23) on YouTube

i dunno if it’s just me, but I feel like seeing a lot more social media posts from MST3k lately than I had been for a bit. It feels like there’s a bit of an effort being put on to be more active. It’s not perfect but there’s certainly some effort going in.


Where are you seeing them? The only social media I’m really on is Facebook and I rarely see anything official there.


I’m mostly on Twitter and Instagram. There’s been a few episodes of clips from episodes posted on IG, Twitter and I assume elsewhere during December anyway.

I studied PR. I had a lecturer who used to always go on about “the push-pull principle”. In an ideal world, you’d tie the socials/emails/forums/website all together with cross-linking and calls to action etc. I can see a bit of an effort being put in to get some stuff out there. It’s maybe not quite as joined up as it could be but hopefully it gets there.


I would think, based on the age range of Facebook users and the age range of MST3K fans, that Facebook would be the first place they would advertise.


Looks like they are according to the FB page.


Huh. I wonder why it wasn’t pushed to me? I’ll have to look into it. Thanks.

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I also wonder who controls the socials. It says on FB Shout! Factory is responsible for that page. I assume also the other channels. I assume someone from Shout! can access the socials and someone from Alternaversal also - but we don’t know which side does the majority of posting.


Probably more Shout! these days because, although they haven’t officially said anything, it looks very much like Lesley is gone and she would have been the one doing it for Alternaversal.


That’s the vibe I’m getting honestly. Would be very, very sad if Lesley is no longer with them.

Hoping Alternaversal isn’t in a bad way, but kind of getting that sense given the campaign for season 14.

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I mean it’s the holidays. I’m sure everyone is off. Once the New Year starts, we’ll probably get more content from social media. I truly don’t believe that anyone has left. Maybe if we haven’t heard anything by August, there might be cause for concern but everyone’s entitled to a little break.


They just showed the forgotten stepchild of MST3K Christmas movies, The Painted Hills. Maybe the two homicides and the attempted dog poisoning put a damper on the holiday spirit, but still a nicely riffed movie nonetheless.


Maybe it was just too much pile on Pete for the holidays


My favorite thing about The Painted Hills is that some studio executive basically said, “let’s make another Lassie movie. But let’s not worry about calling her Lassie. Or even make her a her. In fact, let’s make her a male dog called… oh, I don’t know… Shep. Then just bring in any old collie and put Lassie in the credits and we’re good.”


You are assuming it was the studio executive’s idea. Perhaps, once she became a box office star, Lassie put her paw down and demanded to be given more challenging dramatic roles. Lassie had seen what happened to Francis the Talking Mule and was determined not to go down that path of Hollywood typecasting.

But wasn’t Lassie usually a dude dog anyway?


But then I think most of the dogs who played Spuds McKenzie were female.

Showbiz is very confusing. o_0

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P.S. – The marathon is extended through New Year. :partying_face: I guess that means it’s getting a good reaction overall.

I can’t help but notice that there are no Netflix episodes available. Just further cements my belief that yoking the show to one of these giant mega-services is probably not a good idea. “Here’s lots of lovely money to play with but no we won’t promote your stuff and furthermore you are barred from promoting it yourself. Yeah, we’re done with it but we’re still keeping it under lock and key and you can’t stop us.”

Jump up my festive butt, Netflix.


Let’s have a Patrick Swayze Boxing Day!


I have tuned in to the marathon periodically for the last few days. And it was consistently around 2000 viewers every time. That’s not bad for a constant marathon.


I continue to be dismayed by the people who just drop in to hate on the new seasons in the YouTube chat, but then I realized that they’re still putting eyeballs on the stream and all engagement feeds the algorithm, so whatever.


Right?!? A YouTube video I saw yesterday was talking about it. Even saying negative things gives the thing you hate more power.