Virtual Theater Reopening

Thanks, I appreciate the clarification.

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It sounds like federated identity to me. I use this in a couple of other places around the interwebs. It’s really handy since I don’t have to remember yet another password.

Definitely federated. What is not 100% clear is if that is in addition to or a replacement of the current login.

But I don’t want K-Fed’s identity!


Apparently the reopening announcement has been taken down. Gotta be patient a little longer.


where did you find this?

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Coily strikes again!

My wild theory is that in addition to the upgrades to the underlying code, the Gizmoplex may have also been given some visual upgrades to coincide with certain things that would have been announced had the Season 14 fundraiser met its goal. They may have had it all ready to go, but now need to roll back some of the S14 tie-in stuff. Or even just hold off on relaunching the virtual theater entirely until the next S14 plans are in motion.

Again, just a guess at a potential reason for the “coming soon” update being posted and now withdrawn.


I think they are out of money to pay staff to work on it and needed the campaign to be a success to keep going.

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I am more skeptical. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: