What Movie or Television Series Do You Wish Exists

I very sincerely wish hellfire and damnation on any attempt to revive Firefly without the original cast and creators. Let the reboot vultures find another carcass to pick over this time.


Speaking of D&D settings, Iā€™m just amazed they havenā€™t tried to do anything TV related with the Forgotten Realms of Dragonlance.

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They did an animated version of the first book/module, once upon a timeā€¦

The reception of the latest D&D movie in the works as well as Amazonā€™s Wheel of Time series (whose source material dates back to the about the same time as Dragonlance, the late 1980s) will probably determine if thereā€™s ever another Dragonlance adaptation.

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I pine for a V reboot that leans into the creepy horror toyed with in the original. Technologically superior colonists you feel powerless against. They act friendly but donā€™t look or move quite right. Whenever youā€™re around them your skin crawls. They mostly come out at night, patrolling the streets and constructing mysterious industrial facilities with massive shipments ofā€¦ something in and out.

Only problem is the concept of reptilian aliens disguised as humans and manipulating human affairs is more than fraught at this point. I think the origin and motivation of the Visitors would need to be mixed up a bit.


Speaking of Dragonlanceā€¦

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It is time for a big-budget, live-action Dragonlance TV series. I have spoken.

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I have a couple!

  1. Stanley Kubrickā€™s Flowers in the Attic. Stripped of the laughable dialogue and clunky, overblown prose, Kubrick manages to bring everything dark, compelling and emotional out of asolescent garbage and spin gold out of gross. The result is a moody fairy tale that defies all expectations by having something profound to say about love, cruelty, and morality.

  2. John Watersā€™ Petals on the Wind. Two years after Kubrick adapted trash into treasure, the Pope of Trash himself takes the second installment of the saga right back to its trashy roots. Starring Divine as our teenage ballerina protagonist, lines like ā€œDamn you, momma! How will I ever avenge we four for the years we lost?!ā€ never let you forget that this is VC Andrews weā€™re talking about.


Iā€™d LOVE to see World War Z get the Ken Burns treatment. The movie took everything cool about that book and chucked it in the bin. And I think itā€™s almost more suited to a documentary style miniseries than a book-- the conceit and worldbuilding were superb, but I think the writing stumbled now and then.


I think the movie would have been fine if they didnā€™t tie it to the book. It was a decent zombie movie, it just had basically nothing to do with the book.


I always wanted to see Final Fantasy VII done as true to the game TV series.

I havenā€™t tried the game remake, but have heard mixed reviews.

Ever since Advent Children(the FFVII movie) I thought just telling the story again would be enough for fans if they got to see the characters and world through new eyes with stunning modern CGI animation that was not available for video games back in 1997.


The Godfather Part III written, directed, and produced in the 70s and ideally ahead of Apocalypse Nowā€™s (1979) taxing of Coppolaā€™s energies and constitution. Would be a completely different film.

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While it isnā€™t FF VII, did you happen to watch Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV? Something along those lines, but serialized?

Advent Children is very pretty and told well but relies upon the viewer having played VII to near-completion. Anyone with just a passing understanding of the source game will still miss a lot. Kingsglaive did a good job of not falling into that trap (it sorta helps that it isnā€™t an epilogue but more of a ā€œhereā€™s something that was happening around the same time and if you never play the game then this can be a self-contained one-and-doneā€).

If you want to see a modern retelling of VII, donā€™t play Remake. You might not like the direction it wants to go.


I feel like that is what did it in and why it wasnā€™t as well received as it could have been.

Although I felt having that back story was something that was missing from FF: Spirits Within which overall especially for the time I thought was a good film, although I was a little confused my first watch, and kind of like the original Ghost in the Shell it took a second viewing to fully appreciate it.

Oh and XV is still foreign to me. I know they really made a full brand out of XV.
Is the story self contained or do you need to know the game at all?

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YAH! Itā€™s happening! (Hopefullyā€¦)

My #1 most-wanted book-to-TV adaptation, Roger Zelaznyā€™s The Chronicles of Amber is in development. The great thing about this story is itā€™s so open-ended you can use the existing story as a framework and freestyle just about all you want.

Like GRRM, I have no idea why it took so long for someone to get on this.


Wow! I remember devouring that series when I was middle school. I suppose it will all be CGI, but with the right cast it could work. Thanks for the heads up



Well we are finally getting History of the World Part II, maybe thereā€™s still hope ā€¦


it will be interesting to see how that pans out, since Melā€™s entire roster of usual cast members are dead.


Yeah the trailer looked good, but you do wonder if all of the good stuff was in that three minutes.

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Iā€™ve been waiting for that one for a long, long, long time.