What would you do with a billion dollars and a banker's salary?

Amen to this. I actually found a little 9" CRT TV in a closet recently and fired it up. Still works! The best part was the warm hiss of static on the screen; this one is old enough that it doesn’t throw up a blue screen if there’s no signal, so I can actually see the static as it tries in vain to find an analog signal that no longer exists.

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I could use a new Thermos.


I’d wonder where the hell the rest of my money went.


Pay my student loans, because I know the minute I do that they’ll finally announce a general amnesty for everyone!

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If it were the Valerie I know, I would buy her a house to hold all those flowers and her own fabric store.

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Maybe not the radar detector, but the speed trap updates in some of the map programs comes close!


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Hamburger sandwich and french fried potatoes.

Like, a lot of them.


68 posts, and no one has even questioned how much a “banker’s salary” is? It was an important part of the equation, even when you already had a billion dollars.

I mean, my wife used to work at a bank for nearly 20 years and never even got to 50k a year.

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Billion dollars: I’d clone Ed Wood Jr for the copious bounty of bad movies he would provide, on which MST3K can continue to thrive.

Banker’s Salary: Every year, another movie or five. Ed knows how to keep those costs down.


I’d crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentation of their women.