What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

Yeah, I’ve broken mine at least three times. Nothing you can do about it but tape it to the next toe too.


A stiff-soled post-op shoe can help too.


So the latest update. .
Called my ISP tech support and they said my ip is blacklisted on spamhaus dot com
They recommended to either submit a request through them to be removed from their blacklist or unplug my modem for an hour so it assigns me a new ip address, then i should be able to send/reply to emails again.
We shall see :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Please get this sorted out soon. I have a backlog of Excellent Profit Investment and Large Inheritance offers for you and nowhere to send them.


And that Nigerian prince has been waiting to hear back.


I miss the Russian mail order luv women :yum:


Hey, hey, take it it the Phishing Scammers thread, you lot.

Oh, sorry, nevermind. You need a new thread for being a phishing scammer.

Although I hear there are some hot locals in the phishing thread.


Meanwhile, a year ago… upthread:


:notes: “To all the scams I’ve ever read
And saved up for that epic thread
Though maybe now they’re toast
I dedicate this post
To all the scams I’ve loved…”


Welp, an hour down and my modem didn’t reset my IP address so I had to submit a request through Spamhaus and my IP was been removed from their Blacklist.
Still couldn’t send/reply to any emails so I called my ISP yet again and they reset my email account and I did a repair to my email account in Outlook and VOILA It Works :tada: I can finally send and reply to emails after a week not being able to :confetti_ball:
Bring on the Phishing Scammers :grin:

I think it’s time to look into getting a VPN and since I already use Malwarebytes, I might go with theirs :thinking:


The elementary school near my house is on lockdown, Sheriff’s deputies on site. “Your students are safe” yeah they said that in Uvalde too. I hope this is a hoax, a fake bomb threat, or some hysterical parent discovering a book with gay people in it, and not, you know, just another day in America.

And then I find out my favorite Fringe actor died and everything sucks and I hate all of it.

UPDATE: they just sent an alert that the lockdown is lifted and everyone is safe


I have nothing nonpolitical to add to this, but I sure do hug you a lot. There was a 4th of July parade shooting near where I grew up last year, and all I could do was smother my uncomprehending toddler nephew in hugs and think distinctly unpatriotic thoughts.

Saw your edit, thank goodness for that. :two_hearts:


Nice try NCAA, but there’s still not enough shoe squeaking


I have another meeting tomorrow involving the same bozos I was complaining about upthread. Why do I do this to myself? I need therapy. :upside_down_face:

I watch a lot of videos on Le Tube about narcissism and while I don’t take it all unquestioningly, a lot of what those therapists describe seems applicable to this tiny group of sore-winner jaggoffs who insist that everything revolve around them and their crappy agenda all. the. damn. time.


At the risk of posting another almost totally frivolous gripe, my gamepad has finally broken at the grand old age of six years.

And of course I had to take it apart to see if it was something fixable and of course I have done nothing except make it even more broken.


I’m not a big sports fan in general, but the shoe squeaking makes me hate basketball.


I enjoy watching a lot of different sports, but yeah, the show squeaking is one of the reasons I refuse to watch basketball.


My family is a basketball family and we do a family bracket competition for March Madness.

However, I don’t actually watch the games. I just follow who wins. :slight_smile: But the shoe squeaking is just part of basketball so I don’t even think about it.


Squeaky shows g-naw at me :sweat_smile:

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