Worst movie you saw in the theater

I loved Rogue One. I’m so happy to hear somebody else say that they liked it.

I can’t stand the prequel or the Disney sequel.
A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back will always be the best of Star Wars to me. Followed by Rogue One. Return of the Jedi comes in fourth. The rest I refuse to rank.


Oo, I forgot to mention Twisted, which I saw as a member of the test audience. A really lousy horror film and the one shocking scene in the trailer takes so long to play out in the movie that it’s actually a relief when it finally happens.


the worst thing i ever saw in the theater was “Lawnmower Man 2”. Matt Frewer taking the titular role as the Lawnmower man in a virtual reality soaked dystopian future. Truly god-awful, I was literally the only one in the theater and for whatever reason I soldiered my way through it.


The Justin Timberlake vehicle In Time.


I have never walked out on a movie, but I have fallen asleep twice in the theater. The first time was for Attack of the Clones and even excited teenage me couldn’t stay awake for the middle of that film.

The second one was for The Desolation of Smaug. To be fair to the movie, which I didn’t care for but is far from awful, I had recently had surgery and was clearly sleepy from the pain pills I was on.


Besides, the correct formulation is “Star Wars is for merchandising.” :wink:


Also on my list.

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Epic Movie

I was going through a rough patch in life and I thought I could use a laugh. Holy crud, it only made things worse. I should have stayed home and watched an old MST3K episode.


Oh, you know, I just remembered, I saw about five minutes of one of the Ator movies when it came out…and the film broke.

I felt so lucky that day.


Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, with Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees.

And I very nearly walked out of the theater on the trailer for I, Robot.


Saw Sgt. Pepper opening night in a packed theater.

When Frampton’s character goes out on the ledge near the end of the film, the audience as one began chanting “Jump! Jump! Jump!”

It was a holy experience.


A friend of mine took me to see Batman V. Superman. Having lost interest in the Batman movies with the Dark Knight saga and Superman with Man of Steel, (Not really into middle aged men with serious psychological issues using cosplay to address their neuroses.) I had low expectations which were exceeded beyond my wildest fears. By the time it was over I wanted my friends money back, and will never be able to hear the name Martha without rolling my eyes again. Still waiting for DCs Oedipus Rex adaptation.


honestly Age of Ultron is the only movie i’ve ever seen in a theater and thought “hey that sucked, actually!” It’s the marker for when I started disliking more and more marvel movies. Not all of them, theres still good ones coming out, but theres also a fair bit I could do without
Since i’ve seen it mentioned a few times in the thread- I didn’t see them in theaters but I know if I did see The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker I would have walked out though no question


The G.I. Joe movie. All my movies are now rated on a scale of 10 to Joe.


@Pyrites1 IMHO Rogue One was better than all three sequels combined. Can’t stand Adam Driver, (Anyone else wonder why they cast the RL version of Napoleon Dynamite as Hans kid?) and should have stopped watching when they killed Han off. Heck Solo was even better than the last three. Just my opinion mind you.


If we’re talking, like, major Hollywood releases, Spawn (1997) ranks up there. 1997, of course, also being the year “Batman & Robin” was released.

It was a rough summer.


Luke running and hiding when he knew Ben and Snoke were going to team up and take over the galaxy truly was the biggest misstep in TLJ.

Yes, I get that Luke thought that sequestering himself from the galaxy as the right thing to do, because if he still couldn’t control his fear after all these years as a Grand Master, he might pose just as great a risk to the galaxy himself. Totally on board with that self-doubt.

But that dichotomy of “If I almost did something really bad, I am absolutely no good”? That sounds like really juvenile thinking, and I’d expect him to be a bit more wise and enlightened than that. In fact, that same binary thinking is exactly what he was faulting the Jedi for, wasn’t it?

To be shaken by what (almost) happened with Ben is perfectly understandable, but to abandon the galaxy to the growing threat of Snoke and Kylo Ren, with no Jedi to take his place? I just can’t accept that he’d do that.

Oh, and the Porgs trembling in terror as they watched Chewie eat one of their friends/family was really creepy. Really, really creepy.


Ha! Reminds me of when I lived downtown and Nightmare on Elm Street 3 came out.

Never been in a theater where people were loudly rooting for the slasher before.


I suppose I should confess that I saw Sgt. Pepper in the theater twice. It was horrible both times.

Look, it was the '70s. I was bored.


Rogue One was a great Star Wars story. And I agree with most of what you said. :smiley: