
They should film another Santo movie there and see how the vampires do.

Also, I hope this visit doesn’t include any trips to the restroom. [sigh]


The Mads did it first, now it’s the ladies turn!


Pressure Point is going up free on Youtube today.


There’s a certain charm to Giancola’s movies. They’re all very silly, but they all try their best to not be the sort of movie you’d demand a refund for seeing in a theater. Time Chasers was never that bad and I like Icebreaker. Pressure Point is right there with them. Not good enough to be an A-Movie, but not quite bad enough to belong with the other B-Movies.


Giancola flicks never insult you by putting in a lazy, half-hearted effort. Even in the worst bits, they’re trying to be better.

If Asylum and Troma and their fellow passengers cared this much, they’d be making half-decent, enjoyable B-movies too.


I agree, and these are great descriptions of Giancola movies. To me they’re reminiscent of being a kid – running around outside, pretending you’re in a movie, doing your best with your friends to make exciting stunts and whatnot. It’s an earnest effort, and you get better each time.

Not sure off the top of my head if Arachnia is also Giancola, but if so I think it’s one of the best. I like Icebreaker, Time Chasers and Pressure Point too.

I also like Troma movies, but I think they come from a different place: They embrace the “badness,” no effort to cover it up or pretend it’s anything it’s not.


Anyone able to let Torgo’sPizza at the Rifftrax Forum know that the Youtube embed isn’t working?

I don’t know how often he checks in here, but he’s @RiffTraxErik.

@RVR2 could probably let him know. I’m sure he’d be interested as well.

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It’s apparently been resolved


Oh. Uh, shoot. Sorry fellas.

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Rifftax is at it again! I might have to upgrade my live dvds to the blu rays.


Picked up the DVD bundle. Plus I had 2 $10 gift codes, so it only costededed me $10. Pretty neat.


Glad I got the blu ray bundle it’s sold out already.

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Hi, it’s been a while.
After combing through Oscar bait, finally saw Blood on Her Hands. Surprised by how it ended, and even more by why Susan thought this would boost her Emmy chances in a way.
Grimtrax was much better, especially the Mormon short that wrapped it up. Clearly we need a sequel


Welcome to the forum, @impalergeneral !

There was a Hangin’ with RiffTrax Zoom chat on Youtube yesterday about the visit to Golden Corral. I’ve added the link to the list, but while I was doing that, I found THIS!


Huh, I wonder what’s on that stream…

Oh God, It’s Manos and they’re driving.

I’ll check back on that some other time.


The next RiffTrax Live KS is on its way and they’ll be taking on [REDACTED]. Can’t wait!

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