Season 14 Movie Picks

Sybil Danning.


A fairly restrained outfit for Ms. Danning, honestly.


It’s on TUBI, so I know what I’m watching tonight!


Not 80’s, but there was The Uncanny from 1977, starring Peter Cushing. Not terrible, but not great. So probably in a good spot for riffing.
The Uncanny (1977) - IMDb

The Mads could tell the subjects that they were getting a movie from with Peter Cushing from 1977… and then crush their hopes as it isn’t that movie.

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I’ll say what I always say - Slipstream.

I love that movie; it’s cheap and cheesy and public domain.

It has Mark Hamill and F. Murray Abraham and Ben Kingsley.

It’s got the best performance of ‘guy’s an android’ you’ll ever see.

And yet it’s still cheap and cheesy, but it tries really hard and I love it for that.


Whenever I watch that one, I have an internal monologue where Cushing’s grumbling about spaceships and killer KITTIES!! and thinking that he should get a new agent.


Ah, yes. the elusive “No Consensus” on Rotten Tomatoes. That deserves a sketch all by itself. What on Earth did the filmmakers have on all these guys? Did they all use the same no-account accountant? :wink:


Disney would probably never allow it, but Wing Commander might be a fun one.

Strays quite a bit from the source material even though it was directed and co-written by the same guy who made the games it was based on.


Good call with Slipstream, it would be a great choice!


And with David Suchet, just think of all the Poirot riffs.


Ah. I haven’t seen it yet (though it’s on my Tubi watchlist), but I know of it by reputation. Previously, I had only seen Sybil Danning’s character from the front, so did not realize that she was wearing a thong as part of her battle bikini.

Shameless Self Promotion Alert: A while back, I wrote a piece at Mutant Reviewers on alternate takes on plot formulas associated with Akira Kurosawa, and Battle Beyond the Stars was one of my choices.

Six Alternate Takes on Kurosawa – Mutant Reviewers (


I am going to take a moment to once again plug DESPISER!

From the website: “Despiser is a timeless retelling of the classic story of how one man was able to enter the afterlife and do battle against the minions of three space dwellers who crashed into the depths of purgatory…”

It’s got low budget CGI, an overacting cast, an absolutely bonkers story, and menacing Troll dolls! It could be the next Demon Squad. The only potential problem is that the director seems to really love it, so he may not subject it to riffing.
It’s on Tubi and Amazon if anyone’s interested!


Yes I did.

I already have a copy of Deathsport somewhere. But I’m about to give this puppy a spin.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Bert I Gordon tribute - a month of Mr. B.I.G. capped with a new, never before (mst3k) riffed movie. Food of the Gods is my preference, but I’ll take any Bert I you can give me.

In fact, I’d love to see a return of several old favorites (Beverly Garland)


Shelf Life. SHELF_LIFE_01_Title_01(1) on Vimeo

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Here’s the trailer: Shelf Life (2011) - IMDb

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I’ve listed dream titles elsewhere…but here’s one that could really be nightmare fuel!

This had been a lost film for decades, but was recently found and is being released by Vinegar Syndrome.

A “kiddie film” that’s dripping with inappropriateness. Think “Carnival Magic”.

The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle - 1975



The number of television shows I am still waiting for a DVD release, and this dog gets a 30th-anniversary special edition??


Seriously! Of course, I’ve finally got my Jeeves and Wooster, Get Smart, and A Nero Wolfe Mystery sets, so we’re getting some progress.


The Tim Hutton/ Maury Chaykin Wolfe? Are your DVDs the American versions or the UK? Folks in the UK got these cool interstitials that we didn’t get over here to fill more time since you don’t have to make space for adverts.