What are you smiling about? The Non-Complaint Thread

How does one go about finding the number of days they’ve been on the forum?


It’s under the Summary part of your Profile. Click on your image, then the lowest icon on the right, then Summary is right at the top of the list. No idea how it works if you’re on a phone, though.


976 days for me. Soooo close.


914 for me. I’m a wee babe.


A mere 760 days. I am lacking! Then again, the number is only going to go up at the steady rate of one day per day, so that’s what I’m smiling about, I guess. I get to watch numbers go up now! :smiley:


To be clear, that’s number of days visited, not number of days you’ve been a member of the forum. So if you go on vacation and miss a couple days, those don’t get counted there.


me too! I bet there a lot of us in the 900’s right now.

wait you don’t all check in every day while you’re on vacation? Just me then? :wink:


I once received a badge for visiting every day for a year, but my hospital visits have ended the possibility of earning another. (plus, that week I took off during the campaign, when some people were getting pissy and I needed a break from the noise - I mean, when people are mad because Joel lowered the numbers needed to get a 14th season, it’s time to get away).

I could look at my sign-up date and find the days that way.


The Devotee badge (for visiting every day for a year) can only be earned once, so you didn’t lose anything that way.


Oh, okay, so there’s no “Geeze, you must really love this place” badge for doing it again.


I believe that’s called the Touch Grass Badge


I know you can get the Anniversary badge more than once!

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It’s called the Noooo Life Badge.


(I would have one, if so. I don’t think I’ve missed a day since joining.)


SUCCESS!!! After 4 days, it finally got approved by Amazon! The GPS info was the problem. My video editing software didn’t have the ability to blur nor block out the GPS info displayed in the bottom left of the dash cam video (there was no option to turn this feature off in the menu either) so I had to send the video file to the vendor so they could block it out. I also had to splice out 3 seconds of the menu showing the GPS as well, and Amazon finally accepted it!
After this, I think I’ll turn down future dash cam reviews.


I’m smiling because “my” great blue heron is back in my yard today after not seeing her for many months! I took some pics and when I get then onto my computer I’ll put one on the wildlife thread.

Update: warning – contains nature, not for the squeamish.

She has now caught a gopher (that’s why she likes my yard) and she swallowed that sucker live and is currently trying to get it to go down her throat. Apparently, this may take a while.


Advice from field experience: if you startle one, take immediate note of its escape route and stay out from under it.

You’ll be tempted to just stand there saying “wow that’s huge” while it lifts off and makes impressive WHOOSH wing noises. Don’t. Don’t stand under it, don’t say anything but “oh crap,” because that’s what’s coming. A lot of it.


Well, yeah. You only rent gopher.


I was tempted to go out to get a better picture, but I didn’t want to startle her while her meal was, ya know, in progress


That’s awesome. I love watching scenes like that, naturey bits and all. But I am part biologist.


Got my ticket, for the 10th. It’ll be midnight by the time it lets out, but no work the day after, I’ll be retired by then.

A near 4-hour movie, I’ve seen longer, but not in a theater. Spartacus was 3 hrs and 17 min, Killers of the Flower Moon was 3 and a half…

It was my mother’s favorite movie, and whenever it would make its way into town, she, her best friend, and her sister and their mothers and grandmothers, would all head to the theater. If they can do it (several times in their lives), I can do it. lol

It’ll be nice, I think, to see it like this, to see it the way she did as a teenager and throughout the years.