What are you smiling about? The Non-Complaint Thread

Is this the complaint thread or the NON-complaint-thread. Well, I guess this works either way.

Someone keeps spilling their puppies on my floor!


Smiling and a little teary eyed.

An ex co-worker reached out to me, JUST to tell me how much they miss working with me, and that ā€œyou were the person who was able to understand our thoughts and problems.:disappointed:ā€ At my old job I worked at a global manufacturing company and was super pals with all the folks on the international teams. Apparently, theyā€™re all missing me like crazy because I actually listened to them and didnā€™t treat them like they knew less, and genuinely cared about them all. I had no idea this went so far to connect with people, but Iā€™m NEVER going to stop doing it for sure now. :heart:

Itā€™s breaking my heart a little since I was laid off and didnā€™t actually want to leave all these lovely folks behind. I miss the heck out of them! But itā€™s really heartwarming that here almost a month after I was laid off Iā€™m still hearing from one or two of my international buddies at least once a week. And itā€™s really heartwarming that theyā€™re missing me, because Iā€™m missing them too.

Bittersweet is the term, I think.


My boss was actually sobbing when he had to lay a bunch of us off recently. That sucked. I normally engage XTRA CALLOUS mode when Iā€™m laid off, just to cope, but I couldnā€™t in this case, even though heā€™s still employed. Heā€™s a genuinely good person. Yay for good people, I guess.


I cried my eyes out practically non-stop my last 3 days. I hate that I get so attached to people. But I guess it was nice that this time they got attached back? Sigh. Layoffs suck.


I am a dog person. I grew up with a pack of dogs. We chase cats up trees.

This is Mingus. She thinks sheā€™s a dog. Her best buddy was Angus, a huge chocolate lab doofus. After Angus died, I was chosen as her substitute Angus, and my cat-reticence just made her more determined, because thatā€™s cats. I can give her belly rubs and mess with her teeth and claws, and she just purrs louder. Nobody else is afforded this affection, sheā€™ll shred them. So I guess I have a cat now.


Today is my 13th wedding anniversary!
The Princess Bride Marriage GIF


Congratulations! May the next 13 years be EVEN BETTER! Wishing you a lifetime of joy and happiness! :heart:


You have been picked!


I had to look it up - the customary material for this anniversary is Lace. How nice!


Hmph. Iā€™ll deny everything.

ā€œDAV help, your cat is doing X!ā€

ā€œImpossible, I do not have a cat.ā€


Heā€™s a dog, and his name is Mingus.


My family had a habit of adopting neighborhood strays, and one day we took in a big gray tabby and named him Aten (we named our homed strays after Egyptian gods/goddesses). He immediately picked my dad as his person, and this cat had NO IDEA he was a cat. He thought he was a dog. His tag read ā€œDadā€™s Cat Dog.ā€ :laughing: The only cat thing he did was purr like a revving engine!

That cat was something elseā€¦still miss 'im.


I think I mentioned in the Pets thread that my partnerā€™s Dachshund, Archer, thinks heā€™s a cat. He was raised around cats and sheā€™s always been a cat person until she got him. When he was a pup he even had a sound he would make that was his attempt at purring. To this day he canā€™t stand other dogs but loves cats.

ā€œMeow, yā€™all.ā€


Mingus Dew?


:notes: :notes: Well, helloooooo consumer, yes hellooooooo consumer!:notes: :notes:



What kind of puppies?? The one in back looks like a Rottie but that wouldnā€™t explain the white bits. Bernies? Swiss Mt dogs? Mutts?


Alaskan Husky/German Shepherd mixes.

Mostly just lumps of floof at this point.


Saw my neighborhood cat that lives a block away from me. His name is Jack.


I made it to Wisconsin and, after an unloading that left me drenched in sweat and nearly falling over with exhaustion (my sisters helped with the unloading, and some people from my church helped, but the people from my church were only there an hour after we started), all my stuff is in my apartment but Iā€™m staying the next couple of nights in a nice hotel with my sisters and my niece until they leave.

So Iā€™m not precisely smiling at this point, but I am relieved to have everything unloaded so that the organizing can begin. Tomorrow. After Iā€™ve slept.


Glad you got there safe. Now to start a new adventure!

(and the hotel has a hot shower, a good bed, and, most importantly, room service!)