What Character Do You Not Care For and Wish Never Existed

See, now, I actually know ppl who like the Ewoks. I don’t know anyone who liked Jar-Jar.

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i appreciated the ewoks

Many fans hated Adric at the time; I thought he was a whiny, smug little boy. I frequently thought of Leela’s ‘shall I kill him for you, Doctor’ when he was in a scene.

I felt the same about Peri and the oil rig supervisor from ‘Terror of the Zygons’ who was supposed to be from the U.S., to be fair.

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Are we sure about that?

Jar Jar? BINKS???

Name me one kid who has EVER said “Mommy, can I have a Jar Jar Binks doll for Christmas?”

Ewoks were, at the absolute least, cute and cuddly.


In Rick Moranis font?

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Jar Jar sold. Maybe not with us but he did. I’ve met grown adults who readily admitted it.

The insanity runs deep

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Nothing to be ashamed of. I’m betting half the Ewok hate comes from the Fanboys That Doth Protest Too Much.


Warwick Davis as the Leprechaun (1993). Supposedly it made people laugh. I wasn’t among them.

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Only because we were explicitly asked which character we’d wish never existed. It’s not anything I would have brought up on my own. You really are trying to read more into this than is actually there.

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I just can’t seem to be annoyed by things anymore…

Noooo Coily! Whistle


Hmm… ones that I personally don’t like? Tricky, because I usually either avoid shows/films with characters I don’t like and/or block them from my mind.


Jar Jar Binks, although I do admire the actor for persevering through all the hate he sadly got. It’s a shame, but I still couldn’t stand the character. Also, I’m one of the folks who LOVE the ewoks! EWOK4LYFE, yo!

Kennedy the vampire slayer was introduced on Buffy as sort of the anti-Tara which isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, but nearly EVERY scene, IMO was just her pretty much going ‘look at how not Tara I am!’ I had no idea why Willow went for her. You could argue Tara, Oz, and Xander all have overlapping qualities, but Kennedy didn’t seem to have that.

Allen Gregory (and nearly every character in that show) was utterly reprehensible. I get that that’s the ‘joke’ but about the only character I ended up liking is his adopted sister. I regret giving that show so many watchings, hoping desperately it would get better.

The chubby kid from Monster House irked me. I haven’t seen it in forever, but IIRC, he was kind of an ass to the other characters. I don’t know if I’d put him nearly as high on the list as the others I remembered, though.

I’m sure there were more, but they just aren’t springing to mind right now. I’ve come to hate some characters (most of the Family Guy cast, for instance), but didn’t always dislike them… Hm… if I think of more, I’ll add 'em.

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Except you did. You literally posted it. No one compelled you to post.

But this “argument” has gotten ridiculous. I’m done. Please continue to enjoy whatever it is you enjoy, and don’t let me tell you different.

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As for the topic itself, I’m also gonna nominate Bumblebee from the Transformers. He’s stupid, useless and uninteresting. He doesn’t even turn into a cool car, why do they keep trying to jam him down our collective throats?

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Because they’re “trying to jam” Transformers “down our collective throats”? And Bumblebee is the flavor of the month?

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See, but I would buy any damn thing they slapped Starscream on and pay to have him blow up my house. Hell, even if you’re not as insane as I am, the Dinobots are a no brainer. Giant robots and dinosaurs?! Why not go with them? Why go with an incompetent yellow dipstick? It just doesn’t track to me.

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I disagree, it was ridiculous from the very first.

He tracked well probably. Test screenings of past Transformers spiked when viewers were asked what they liked most or directly posed how they rated him. Best guess.


Not sure how anything can track better with people than “20 foot tall robot dinos” but that’s just my thoughts.

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There are fans Raudy and then there are FANS. You may want the Dinobots. I may want the Dinobots. However some folks have no clue Dinobots exist. How can you ask for something you don’t know is on the menu?